Chapter 29

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Tragedy strikes One Direction members girlfriend Imogen Acland. The nineteen year old was attacked and raped by her ex-boyfriend months ago and as it turns out her rapist is yet to be caught. According to our sources Louis Tomlinson is incredibly protective of his vulnerable girlfriend and only lets her out of his sight when performing concerts.


Her ex-boyfriend Thomas Olsen has been avoiding police apprehension since the start of April. Our sources tell us that although Imogen seems happy enough outside in front of our cameras her whole life revolves around the thought that Thomas Olsen will come back and ‘finish what he started’. Louis has been seen constantly heckling the officers at local police stations in the countries they are touring, making sure that they know who this Thomas is and that he is a wanted man.


“What the hell are you reading Iggy?” Niall snatches a magazine off of me. I’m sitting in the dressing room with the lads. The magazine caught my eye because I saw Louis’ picture on it. I was just hanging out while the lads got ready for their show and when they were done I was going to head out to the arena with Zayn’s new girlfriend Perrie and Danielle who had decided to give Liam another chance.

It was a little awkward with me being with Louis now and still being really good friends with Liam now because Danielle had slept with Louis and I was NOT ok with that. I wouldn’t have seen it as such a big deal when it happened but Louis had lied to me about it and I was still a little bitter about it. But it had been almost a month and she had been on tour for almost three weeks so we were getting on again.

“It was just sitting on the table,” I told Niall as I looked up at him.

“Don’t read this shit,” I shakes his head and tosses the gossip magazine in the bin.

“I wasn’t reading it ….” I trail off trying to think of an excuse. Because I was reading it and I wanted to know who the source was that was telling these trashy magazines that I was raped and that I spent my days looking over my shoulder.

“What were you doing then huh?” He cocks an eyebrow at me curiously and I frown.

“I was looking at the pictures.” I smile innocently and Niall rolls his eyes at me.

“Your boyfriend is right over there, wouldn’t it make more sense to look at him over there?” He chuckles and sits next to me on the sofa. I roll my eyes at Niall and pick up another magazine.

“Iggy!” Niall groans loudly and snatches the magazine off of me.

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