Chapter 5

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I crept upstairs slowly I didn’t know if Iggy was asleep or if she was really mad at me. I felt like an absolute arse for acting the way I did. When she left with Harry I was angry at him but it turns out he didn’t even try anything. He then proceeded to tell me that I don’t own her and I should be looking after her and not shouting abuse at her for nothing. He took all her things upstairs and when he was done he came straight back down. “Is she alright?” I ask him quickly.

He shakes his head and my eyes widen, what’s wrong with her. “Relax you sod she’s fine, she’s having a nap. Leave her alone,” He tells me. He doesn’t even know her and he’s telling me to leave her alone? I feel the anger boil up in me and again but then I consider his words and crept back down the stairs and flop on to the sofa.

“Why do I feel like this?” I groaned loudly.

“Beats me, maybe you feel guilty for nearly killing her,” Harry shrugs his shoulders and flops on to the sofa next to me. “Leave her alone for a while, she’s needs rest.” Harry murmured. He stays silent for a while and we just stay there flopped on the sofa basking in silence before he speaks again. “What do you mean by feel like this Boo Bear?” He asks curiously.

I’m not really sure what to say to that because I’m not even sure what it is that I feel. I groan loudly rubbing my face with my hands. “I don’t even know Haz, I feel like I should look after her, I worry about her, I don’t like it when you and Zayn touch her, I just want to wrap her up in cotton wool and keep her safe.” That’s the best I can do, I don’t know what that feeling is but that’s what I want to do and that’s what is happening.

“Maybe you’re in love with her,” Harry says with a completely serious tone.

“Piss off Harry,” I grumbled again and sigh. I’ve never felt like this for anyone other than Iggy and one other person. My girlfriend, Eleanor. Christ she doesn’t even know that I hit someone with my car, she’s the only one that doesn’t know that I’m alright, heck she doesn’t even know what happened.

“Did you tell El?” Harry asks.

“No,” I grumble.

“Well you might want to call her, she’s been calling your phone all morning, I thought you were ignoring her but as it seems you were distracted.” He chuckles.

“Fuck,” I mutter and pull myself off the sofa and sprint upstairs and in to my bedroom. I curse myself for being such an idiot, I completely forgot that I had a girlfriend and invited a pretty girl to live in my house and didn’t even tell her. What the fuck is wrong with me?

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