Chapter 28

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Louis and Liam went to the press conference to reveal the whole pregnancy scandal and the fake dating thing with Niall as well. I hadn’t had a chance to see Niall since Louis and I got together but it had only been a few hours and I’d probably see him tonight sometime. I didn’t go to the press conference, in fact I stayed with Eleanor. She was still really upset about the miscarriage and while I ordered some food for us from room service she just sat on the sofa staring at the television where the local news company was going on about how Louis and Liam had called the press conference and they were making up stories about how One Direction was breaking up at the end of the tour and cheating scandals which was sort of correct but they really had no idea.

When the food arrived I was sitting on the sofa with Eleanor awkwardly staring at the telly. I didn’t know what to say to her, I was sorry that she lost her baby but honestly this girl had been nothing but nasty since we met so I didn’t try to comfort her. I got off the sofa and answered the door and brought the food inside. The press conference was about to start so I put the plate of lasagne and salad in front of Eleanor on the coffee table and sit beside her on the sofa with my own plate. I’m a little nervous to watch the press conference and also surprised to see Niall sitting at the table with Liam and Louis. Poor Liam looks like he’s got the world on his shoulders. He just found out that Eleanor had a miscarriage, he has to deal with being the bad guy because he betrayed his best friend and got Eleanor pregnant.

The boys walked out from where ever they were waiting and they sat down at the table in front of the cameras. Liam looked so nervous. Eleanor sighed as we watched and turned to me, her hands still planted on her stomach. “This is all my fault,” She said.

I think I might have gone in to shock or something because I just sat there and my mouth dropped open. “No it’s not,” I didn’t want to blame her, of course she and Liam had made a few bad mistakes but everything would work out. “You made a few bad choices, everything is fixable,” I say quietly.

“I blamed you for my breakup with Louis, when I was going to break up with him anyway.” She croaked. She turned her whole body to face me and continued, “He’s such a good person Imogen, you should look after him,” She says quietly.

“I will,” I nod and smile softly. “I’m sorry for all of this, you didn’t deserve any of what happened today.” I was a little nervous telling her that she didn’t deserve to lose her baby, only because I wasn’t sure how she was going to react.

“I suppose it’s for the best, I just hope that this doesn’t ruin the band.”

“I’m sure the fans will be able to look past all of it. They do love the boys probably as much as we do,” I murmur. It feels weird actually having a conversation with Eleanor. “Can I ask you something?” I asked feeling brave.

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