Chapter 32

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Morning came quicker than I expected and before I knew it Louis and I were on the way to a meeting with Simon Cowell and two other people from management who had flown in especially to see us. I hadn’t told Louis that Paul and whoever else were in the bathroom had waited so long to get Thom because I knew he’d be angry when he found out. I was going to mention it at this meeting, I didn’t even know what the meeting was for. “Are you okay babe?” Louis asked as he walked out of the bathroom with a towel over his head.

I giggled loudly as I watched him walk around blindly and trip over his shoes that were lying in the middle of the room. “Oh yes I’m great.” I laugh as I pull on my shoes. I’ve been much happier and way calmer than I’ve been in weeks now that I know firsthand that Thom has been taken back to London so they can press charges for the rape and avoiding police apprehension. And there was talk of a stalking charge as well but I’m not sure. “Are you okay?” I ask him curiously.

He removes the towel from his head and smiles that stunning smile at me. “I am fantastic, you’re all mine and that dick is locked up and he’s never ever going to touch you again.” He flashes me a cheeky grin and comes over to the bed and sits beside me.

“Have you spoken to Eleanor?” I ask curiously. She’s been gone for a while now and I was curious as to whether Liam or Louis had been keeping in contact with her. We had been talking civilly for a few days before she left to go back to London. And then right after she left Liam and Danielle got back together. For a while I actually thought that Liam might have actually had feelings for Eleanor, he was definitely upset about her losing the baby and we hadn’t talked about it since it happened.

“No not since she left. I asked her to message me when she got off the plane and she did that but I never heard from her after that. Why do you ask?” He asks as he wraps an arm around my shoulder and leans over to me pressing his lips to my cheek.

“I’m just curious she hasn’t made contact with anyone and I haven’t seen her in any magazines.” I say as I put on my other shoes.

“She’s probably resting up she’s had a hard few months.” He says softly. “But that was no excuse for being so horrible to you.” He adds.

“I’d just like to forget that anything ever happened with Eleanor to be honest. We’ve got more important things to worry about, like what management want to talk to us about.” I frown I’m actually kind of nervous about this meeting with management. What if they don’t approve of our relationship and they want to send me home?

“You’ve got nothing to worry about with management Iggy.” He tells me and pulls me closer and wraps his other arm around my shoulder and hugs me tight. I will never ever get sick of Louis’ hugs, they’re amazing. I remember when I used to frown just to get a hug from him. I smile at the memory and Louis pulls back and looks at me curiously. “What’re you grinning at?” He chuckles when he sees my goofy grin.

“I was just thinking about the times when you were jealous of Zayn and I used to frown just to get you to hug me.” I laugh.

“Ah I remember that.” He chuckles and kisses my forehead. “You don’t have to frown to get me to hug you ever again. All you have to do is hug me, I’ll always hug you back. Every single time, I promise.” He says and leans down to kiss me. “I love you Igabella.” He mumbles in between kisses.

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