Chapter 17

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It was about two o’clock in the morning when I actually got to bed. Poor Zayn fell asleep on Niall’s bed while he was waiting for us to vacate the living room so he could go to sleep on the sofa. I felt bad and I feel like the lads were counting on me to sleep in the same bed as Louis so there was enough room.

I was still a little confused as to why Liam was here and Louis wasn’t beating the crap out of him. “Good night,” I tell Louis and I lean up to kiss his cheek. I feel silly for overreacting about something so little but Louis kept insisting that it was normal for me to be scared but I had nothing to worry about because he would never ever lay a finger on me.

That made me feel a little better about everything and honestly I felt like he was the only one I trusted. I mean I know none of the lads would do that but I was feeling unsure and insecure about everything. I crawled in to the fluffy bed and closed my eyes after getting comfortable. I snapped them back open because as soon as I closed them the only thing I saw was Thom’s sick smirk as he hovered over me in the living room at home.

I sat up in bed and took a deep breath and told myself that he couldn’t get me, he wouldn’t bother me anymore and Louis wouldn’t let him hurt me. So after about five minutes of trying to calm myself down I lie down once again and close my eyes thinking happy thoughts. Everything was fine until I started to dose off and my thought wandered off and he popped back in to my head, I could hear his voice telling me that I should have never left him. I shoot up and this time I don’t hesitate to get out of bed.

I creep down the hall and open Louis’ door quietly. “Lou?” I creep over to the bed but he’s fast asleep already. So I just crawl under the covers so I can lay next to him. He rolls over and drapes his arm over my stomach.

“What’s the matter?” He mutters with a croaky voice.

“Every time I close my eyes he’s there.” I whisper.

Louis actually wakes up this time and sits up so he can look at. “I won’t let him near you Iggy,” He tells me sternly. A small smile creeps on to my face and we snuggle up together in his bed with his arms securely wrapped around my body and my head lying on his chest. I’ve never had feelings like this for someone so fast. Before I got with Thom I hated him, he had to prove to me that he was a nice guy and after he did he turned in to an arse. My parents thought he was wonderful, my sister Breawna on the other hand didn’t like him at all.

I should call her.

In the morning there were whispers around the bed. It was far too early to get up and I was planning on spending the whole day in bed doing absolutely nothing. “Piss off Niall!” Louis mutters from beside me. I thought back to what happened last night and I remembered crawling in to Louis’ bed at two o’clock in the morning because every time I closed my eyes Thom popped in to my head and all the things that he did to me that night were just as clear as the day they happened.

“What do you want?” I grumbled burying my head in to Louis bare chest. Well I didn’t know that last night. Hope he’s wearing trousers. Louis smells fantastic, I can’t quite place the smell but it’s a bit like Vanilla and lemons.

“I’m hungry,” Niall’s sheepish voice lets me know that Louis is probably glaring at him.

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