Chapter 26

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It’s been two days and I’ve managed to avoid Louis. I’ve got my own hotel room which I’m paying for myself, and because I’m on the tour bus with the lads and Louis is traveling by plane with Eleanor it’s much easier than I thought it would be to avoid him.

I’m not sure how much longer I can put up with this though. I miss seeing him and when I do see him Eleanor grabs in to him and pulls him away before he can even start to walk over to me. I’m incredibly lonely, I have the boys to hang out with but they work just as much as Louis so I spend much of my time sitting backstage eating green M&M’s and watching day time television which isn’t as thrilling as it sounds.

I know Louis wanted to keep me safe but sure went about it the wrong way. He basically said that I got myself raped which is not true and not fair. I want to fly back to London but I know he’ll be upset if I just up and leave. “Alright Iggy?” Liam walks backstage and smiles sympathetically at me. Liam has been my rock for the last two days and he is the only one I’ve told what Louis said that upset me so much. That being said by Liam being my rock I mean he sits next to me and keeps me company.

“Bored,” I mutter back and sit up on the sofa that I was laying down on.

“We’ve got an after party tonight are you going to come?” He asks as he flashes me another smile and plops beside me on the sofa. Eleanor is off having a scan today so Louis actually free for a few hours. She asked Liam if he wanted to come but he politely told her to stick it.

“I don’t think so, not unless Simon calls.” I sigh sadly. I think I’m becoming depressed or something. I don’t want to go anywhere, I don’t really want to talk to anyone and I shut everyone out.

“Babe I think you should talk to Louis,” He murmurs softly as he swings his arm over my shoulder and shuffles closer to me.

Another reason I think I might be depressed is because I’m becoming uncomfortable with people touching me again. I mean I trust Liam and I know that he would never hurt me but I get chills when he touches me, I hate holding Niall’s hand and I freak out when we go out and he puts his hand on the small of my back. I stiffen when Liam hugs me and he frowns. “I think I’m gonna go back to the hotel.” I whisper softly.

“Do you want me to come with you?” He asks.

“No it’s fine. I’ll come back for the concert I just need to have some alone time.”  I tell him and smile weakly at him before I pull myself off the sofa and walk out the door after picking up my bag. I want to go home.

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