Chapter 7

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Zayn and Harry can’t keep the grin off their face, Louis stumbled upstairs after he kissed my cheek and when I say stumbled I mean he crawled up the stairs singing One Thing, it was incredibly amusing. “So I’d love to stay and chat but someone has to look after Louis, good night Zayn, good night Igabella,” Harry laughs loudly and followed Louis up the stairs so he doesn’t stand up and fall backwards.

“No!” Louis yelped dramatically.

I let out a small giggle and Zayn comes to sit next to me at the table while I’m eating. “So Igabella, wanna tell me what’s going on with you and Louis?” Zayn chuckles and sits in the chair that Louis was sitting in a few moments ago.

“Nothing I don’t think,” I say shrugging my shoulders. I’m not sure that anything was going on. He had shouted at me, protected me and kissed me all in one day and now I didn’t know what to think. I think he may have been feeling a little conflicted and maybe he needed a few days to clear his head so he could be in the same room as me and think properly.

Zayn cocks an eyebrow curiously like he doesn’t believe me, “Are you sure? He yelled at me this morning for sticking up for you and told me that you were his. I thought that was a little odd because he hit you with his car and he had a girlfriend at the time,” He explains.

“I’m not his,” I shake my head.

“Maybe he wants you to his,” Zayn shrugged his shoulders and let out an awkward chuckle. “So I was sort of wondering if maybe when you’re feeling better,” Oh god you’re kidding, “you’d like to catch a film or something,” He says nervously and runs his fingers through his perfectly styled hair. I want to run my fingers through his hair it’s so … shiny.

“Um …” I bite my lip. I think about everything that has happened in the last twenty four hours, Thom cheated on me, I got hit by a car, I’m living with One Direction and Louis kissed my cheek. Honestly I know I should say no but I quite like Zayn he’s nice to me and quite frankly I think I deserve a little bit of fun. A small smile appears on my face and I nod my head. “I’d like that,” I tell him.

“Really?” He seems surprised that I actually accepted.

“Yeah I think I deserve a little fun,” I nod again.

“Well fun you shall.” He grins.

I finish my food and put the dishes in kitchen and just stood looking around, now that I had eaten I didn’t really have anything else to do. I glanced at Zayn sitting on the sofa watching the TV and decided I’d sit beside him. He glances at me as I ease myself on to the sofa and smiles. “What cha doing?” I coo at him with a cheesy smile.

He chuckles, “I’m just about to start watching a film, wanna watch with me?” He asks.

“Sure what are you watching?”

“Finding Nemo,” He smiles sheepishly at me.


Louis’ point of view

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