Chapter 31

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“This is a panic button,” Paul says as he straps one to my wrist, it looks like a normal bracelet but one of the charms has a small button on. I had agreed to walk in to the lobby and wait for Thom, he had texted me the morning we arrived in France and told me that if I wanted my friends and family safe that I better meet him in the Lobby at six o’clock.

Paul had agreed to let me go as long as I took the panic button with me. There were undercover security guards everywhere in the lobby and outside the door so there was no way that he could take me out of the hotel and the only place he could lead me was his hotel room where there would be police officers waiting for him. Louis was furious when I agreed to meet him without asking him but this is my family and my friends I’m talking about. I would never put Louis or any of my friends in danger and I definitely wouldn’t let him near my family.

It was ten minutes to six and I was pacing my hotel room with Paul explaining to me that if I panicked he would probably hurt me. “If you feel like you are in immediate danger Imogen I want you to press the button.” Paul tells me with a stern tone. I know he’s worried because he’s already told me about to the panic button about three times. It’s not like Paul Higgins to be nervous or worried.

“I know Paul,” I nod again as I take a deep breath.

“When this is done, it’ll all be over. You’ll never have to worry about him hurting you or your family again.” He says with a soft smile.

“Can I call Louis before I go?” I look up at Paul eagerly.

“Of course, make it quick you need to be on time.” He says.

I nod and walk in to the bedroom and grab my phone sitting on the side of the bed. It rings three times before Louis answers. Thom had made the meeting a time when Louis would be at the arena for the concert. He tried to get out of it, claiming that the lads could do the concert without him. “Iggy? Is everything alright?” He answers the phone nervously. I know that the show is about to start and he’s probably crapping himself.

“Louis everything is fine I just wanted to hear your voice before I went downstairs,” I tell him, I think his nervousness is kind of cute.

“You don’t have to go Iggy you could stay in the hotel room, where it’s safe!” I just know he’s frowning. “Please Iggy?”

“Louis I have to do this, once he’s caught this whole thing is over. He won’t hurt you or the lads and he won’t hurt me or my family.” I try to explain for the millionth time but he’s just worried about my safety. I know he would happily walk down to the lobby himself and beat the absolute pulp out of him but how good would that look in the papers?

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