Chapter 25

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Eleanor was a complete bitch at the start of the tour and decided very quickly that the tour bus was no place for her to be. It was too bumpy, to rocky and just yuck according to her so very quickly what I thought was going to be a nice tour spending all my free time with Louis was a nice tour not spending any time with Louis unless management decided that they wanted us to go on double dates.

“Alright?” Niall walked in to the bedroom.

Louis wasn’t even here. We’d been on tour for a week and so far we’d spent one really nice night together and the rest of the nights we was out late because of the concerts and busy during the day going on dates with Eleanor and doing interviews. Otherwise he was at an airport with Eleanor. I honestly felt like we were drifting apart and I was becoming closer to Niall. “Fine,” I muttered as I pulled on my black leather boots over my bright red skinny jeans.

“You don’t look fine, what’s up?” Niall frowned when I replied and sat next to me on the bed. He knew I was missing Louis. I was spending more time with my fake boyfriend who I had so I could come on tour with Louis who I wanted to be my real boyfriend. This whole thing was messed up. Niall knows me better than almost every one now, he knows when I’m not happy and now is one of those moments and honestly I sort of wished I stayed home while they went on tour. I feel like I never see Louis and maybe he’s forgetting about me.

“I miss him,” I say softly and look over to Niall.

“I know babe,” He frowns and wraps his arm around me. I had seen him last night when we came home from the concert but he was so tired that he just went straight to sleep and he was up early anyway because he had to go to the airport with Eleanor anyway.

“This was a stupid idea.” I mutter as I stand up and pull on a jacket to protect me from the cold weather. I can’t hide how upset I am and when I do get the chance to spend a bit of time with Louis he’s always talking about Eleanor and the baby that isn’t even his. “I feel like he’s forgetting about me,” I add as I pick up my phone and my purse and shove them in my bag.

“Don’t be like that Igabella, Louis could never forget about you.” Niall says as he opens the door for me and we walk out of the hotel room and right in to Louis and Eleanor walking down the hallway. Eleanor spots us first and lets out a disgusted groan.

“Iggy,” Louis smiles at me and goes to pull me in to a hug.

“Hey,” I breathe back as his touch sends those chills through my body. I haven’t felt them in days it’s nice to hug him.

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