Chapter 30

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All sorts of thoughts buzzed around my head as I paced the hotel room and stopped by the door to peek through the peep hole to see if Louis was back. Every single time I looked through the peep hole I expected to see Thom and his dirty smirk looking back at me. Perrie and Danielle were sat on my bed just watching me as I continued to pace waiting for Louis to come back. Thoughts swirled around my head and I wondered if Thom would target the people I care about to get to me.

My heart beat picked up and I was so worried that I had to sit down. I pulled out my phone and quickly dialled Louis’ phone number. I let out a breath of relief when he answered after the first two rings. “Iggy?”

“Are you alright?” I ask him with a worried tone.

Louis lets out a chuckle, “Yeah babe I’m fine are you alright?” He asks me.

“I’m alright, I was just worried that Thom might come to you first,” I bite my lip nervously as a million scenarios float through my head. I would not be surprised if Thom went after the people that I care about just to freak me out, he’s a creepy son of a bitch.

“I’m alright babe, I’m with Paul and he’s already amped up the security. He’s alerted the hotel and they’ve sent up extra security to our floor. I’ll be back in about ten minutes.” He I can hear him smiling through the phone but I won’t be able to calm down until I know that he’s alright.

“I love you,” I frown in to the phone. I want to cry, I am absolutely petrified and I won’t be able to calm down until Louis is hugging me and holding my hand.

“I love you too beautiful I’ll be back really soon ok?”

“But what if -.” Louis cuts me off.

“Nothing bad is going to happen Iggy, I’ll be back in nine minutes and fifty nine seconds.”

“I’ll be counting,” I sigh and I hang up.

I stand up again and start to pace the room by the door again and when I glance at Danielle and Perrie they’re cooing at me like I’m a woman who’s just given birth! “What?” I snap as I keep pacing.

“You guys are so cute!” Perrie sighs happily. I smile softly and continue my pacing, I think the same thing about Perrie and Zayn. Honestly I’m really happy that Zayn has himself a girlfriend now. He’s a great lad and he deserves to be happy, I was a little stressed when he thought he was meant to be happy with me.

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