Chapter 24

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What the actual fuck is wrong with me? I cannot stand seeing Iggy and Niall together and I actually agreed to let him put his hands all over her. I’d rather stash her in my suitcase than let Niall kiss her. I’m so worried that he’s going to try and take her away from me, every time Iggy isn’t in the room I’m giving him a lecture about how hard I’m going to kick him in the balls if he puts the moves on her when they’re not in public.

I’m not sure he knows how serious I am, I will kick him so hard if he decides that he’s got a chance. I’m also worried that when Iggy spends heaps of time with him that she’s going to start getting feelings for him. They are already really good friend and the fact that I can’t take her out and do all the things that Niall is doing really frustrates me.

Why did I agree to this? Stupid Zayn and his stupid ideas.

Today we leave for tour and no matter how much I tried to talk Eleanor out of coming on tour she was determined to ruin things for me and Iggy and she said that she was going to. I hate how she treats Iggy and if she treats her as badly as she’s been treating her the last few weeks I’m going to send her packing even if Simon or management doesn’t want me to. Iggy seems excited for tour but I can’t tell if that’s because she’s excited to spend time with me or Niall.

“Louis,” Iggy is standing by my door with a big grin on her face, yep definitely excited.

“Iggy,” I waggle my eyebrows at her and she smiles.

“It’s time to go,” She says.

“Oh right!” I jump off my bed and grab the last bag that’s sitting beside my bed. I drag it to the door and drop it when I reach Iggy. “Are you sure you want to do this?” I ask her, as I put my hands on her hips and pull her close to me. She looks up at me curiously and tilts her head to the side.

“Of course, I know it might be a bit tricky but I want to come,” She nods her head and smiles.

“I’m going to make this work ok?”

“I know,” She smiles and does something that I was definitely not expecting. She leaned up on her toes and kissed me on the lips. Before I could even react and lean back down to kiss her she wiggled out of my grip on her hips and walks back stairs without me. Wow.



It’s four o’clock in the morning and I’ve had three cups of coffee and I feel like I’m bouncing off the walls. I’m so hyper I just kissed Louis, it was nice and I did it before realising what I was doing so I quickly ran down stairs so we wouldn’t be late. Liam is sitting on the sofa and the other lads are upstairs packing last minute things.

“Hey Iggy,” He smiles as I plonk myself beside him on the sofa.

“Hi Liam,” I smile.

“Have you had your coffee this morning?” He asks with a raised eyebrow.

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