Chapter 21

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We’re back in London again and it’s the first time I’ve been home since Thom … I was actually really nervous to go inside, I gripped Louis’ hand tightly and walked straight past the living room and went upstairs. It was going to be hard to live in the house where it happen and I didn’t know how I was going to cope. “Relax babe in a few weeks we’ll be getting ready for tour. Are you excited to come?” Louis asked me as I crawled in to his bed.

It was only just after lunch but I was tired after all the activities we had done while we were away. We had been to a water park, we spent most of our time out on the boat and we went hiking as well. Turns out Louis is incredibly unfit. He collapsed on the ground and refused to walk any further after about half an hour, it was rather amusing to watch for a while but we all got bored so we walked off without him and I walked with Liam instead. “I’m really excited, where do we go?” I ask him curiously. I know that they go around the world but I’m just not sure where and for how long.

I’m not sure that Louis is very comfortable about my friendship with Liam, we’ve become quite close and Louis gets very tense and quiet when I’m with Liam, even if we were just walking to together. Liam shared his water with me and I thought that Lou was about to have a brain aneurysm or something. “Well we start off in London and we travel the UK and we head off to Ireland and the rest of Europe and then once that’s all done we fly over to America and Australia.” I says as he lies down beside me.

“That sounds like a really long tour,” I say slowly. I had plans when I moved to London, I was going to get a job and go to university and study nursing. I suppose that I am young and I have the rest of my life to study, it would be an amazing experience to travel the world before I settled down to study.

“I’ve never asked you Iggy, what did you do before we met?” Louis asks curiously as his arm slips behind my head and his hand tangles in my hair.

“Well I was going to get a job and go to uni,” I say slowly.

“And what were you going to study?”


“Are you still going to do that?” He asks.

“One day yeah, maybe after this tour. I don’t want to miss out on that,” I say quietly.

“I don’t want you to miss out on it either,” He smiles and continues to run his fingers through my hair until I fall asleep. When I woke up Louis was still sleeping so I head downstairs to make something to eat, I avoid the living room, I even avoid looking at it, it sends unwanted tingles down my spine.

“Iggy you okay?” Liam pops up beside in the kitchen, I’m just standing by the fridge staring off in to space. “You’ve gone a bit pale,” He says as he walks over to me.

“Um I’m just not comfortable being so close to where it happened,” I gulped. I just continued to stand there until Liam hugged me and I burst in to tears.

“You’ll be ok babe, want to make some food and go watch a film in my room?” He asks looking down at me. I nod my head silently and he moves me out of the way and opens the fridge and groans. “We’ve got not food,” He frowns.

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