Chapter 22

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Louis all but dragged me up the stairs without saying a thing until we arrived at my room. “Get dressed.” He says and walks off down the hall. I glance at Liam and he shrugs his shoulders and frowns. Stupid Zayn and his stupid ideas. So I pull on a denim skirt on and then slip on a floral spaghetti strap blouse. I slip on some shoes and when I walk out of the room Louis waiting for me. “Let’s go,” He grabs my hand and we walk down stairs and out to the car. I hop in the front and go to Louis what exactly his plan but I don’t bother he’s talking to himself trying to plan out exactly what is going to happen. He really thinks that pretending to be one of the other guy’s girlfriends is going to get me in the tour. He’s not thinking properly, he hasn’t even considered how I would feel about this.

“Louis I don’t -.”

“It’s fine Iggy and then you can come on tour!” He chirps and hops out of the car when we arrive at this big office building. He takes my hand and leads me through the parking lot and in to an elevator.

“Louis I’m not -.”

“Stop worrying everything will be fine,” He says and smiles down at me and squeezes my hand reassuringly. Eventually I just give up trying to tell him that I don’t feel comfortable being a fake girlfriend for one of my best friends. It’s weird and I know as soon as we go on tour he’s going realise that I have I hug and maybe even kiss another guy in public and he’s going to hate it. He’s only focused on the fact that if this works I’ll be on tour with him.

So we walk out of an elevator and down the hall to a desk. “Hello Ruby, can we see Simon please,” Louis is says to the receptionist. She nods her head and picks up the phone to tell Simon that Louis is back.

“He said to go right through,” She says with a smile.

So Louis drags me down the hall and we walk in to a huge office. Simon Cowell is sitting behind a large mahogany desk and he’s typing something on his computer. “Louis long time no see,” He says sarcastically as Louis takes a seat and I sit beside him. I’ve never been so nervous before, I’m nervous because Simon is a really important person and because Louis is about to put this idea to Simon just so I can come on tour with him.

“Nice to see you too,” He narrows his eyes at Simon and Simon chuckles.

“What can I do for you this time?”

“Well just to be clear you didn’t do anything for me last time I was here,” Louis mumbles. “But I think we have a solution.” He face brightens and I internally groan he’s actually going to go through with this.

“A solution to what exactly?”

“Well you said the Eleanor has to come on tour to stop all this baby bullshit from getting out but what if Iggy came along as one of the other lad’s girlfriends?” He says. “I’m not willing to leave her behind after what happened a few weeks ago, so if I have to ‘be’ with Eleanor then I want Iggy to come.” He says. I wonder how this Eleanor stuff is going to go, when Louis got home he said it was going to be for publicity, did that mean that at hotels he and Eleanor would share a room or would they have separate rooms? Ugh this was confusing, if I was to go as one of the others girlfriends would I have to share a room with them?

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