Chapter 9

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I wrapped my arms around Louis’ toned chest and hugged him back. He moves his arms so they’re around my neck and he just holds me there, it’s comforting and I lean my head on his chest. We stand there for ages just hugging before Niall and Harry walk in to the kitchen. Harry clears his throat awkwardly and Niall just ignores us and walks to the fridge and pulls out a cake Harry and I made yesterday.

Louis reluctantly lets go of me so instead of looking like a fool holding on to him like I want to do I let go and take a step back and glance at Harry who is exchanging weird looks with Louis. “Cake!” Louis shouts randomly and joins Niall at the bench with a large spoon. “We need whipped cream,” He shouts again and walks over to the fridge just ignoring the fact that we were just having a really nice moment.

I frown and just stand there for a moment not really knowing what to do with myself. Harry notices and walks around to me and swings his arm over my shoulder and walks me around the bench so we’re on the other side. He grabs us two spoons and we put the cake in the middle of the bench and eat together. I’m not really sure why I’m so irked. It’s not like we could have just stayed there hugging, we had already been hugging for a while when they walked in. I suppose I was just expecting Louis to tell Harry to piss off. “Relax,” Harry murmurs in to my ear as he pulls his arm from around my shoulder. Louis looks up and me and gives me a small smile and just to be annoying and coax another hug out of him I frown.

“Stop it!” He grumbled with his own frown and points his chocolate cake covered spoon at me. I bite the inside of my lip to hide my grin and Harry looks at me curiously to see that I’m frowning at Louis. He chuckles as shakes his head.

“WHY ARE YOU USING SPOONS?!” Liam screeched as he walked in to the kitchen with Zayn following close behind him. I arched an eyebrow and he grinned at me.


In the morning when I woke up Zayn was sitting on the edge of my bed. I smiled at him tiredly and sat to stretch. I kept in the groan of my stiff muscles aching against my slightly swollen ribs and looked at Zayn again, “Good morning,” I said.

“Hey,” He smiled at me.

“Do you need something?” I ask him curiously.

“Not really, Harry was just telling me about your hug with Louis yesterday.” He says. I’m not completely sure why he brought it up so I just stare at him until he continues, it was just a hug. I try to figure out what the look on his face is. He’s doing that sexy lip biting thing he does, he’s running his hands through his hair and he looks sort of nervous. “How was it?” He asks awkwardly.

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