Chapter 10

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I spent the whole morning out with Louis, I didn’t really want to go back to the house and face Zayn. Louis had been really worried that he hurt me at first because he kept grabbing on to my wrist to pull me out the door. I was confused and slightly annoyed with Zayn for doing that, he just assumed that I would kiss him back. I’ve known him for a week and I’ve just got out of an abusive relationship, what makes him think that I want to kiss him?

Louis took me to a really nice café for breakfast, he paid for everything and when we left and headed for the cinema he grabbed on to my hand when we were spotted my fans and a few paparazzi. I was a little overwhelmed with all the attention that we were attracting and how many of the fans actually knew who I was. When we finally got in to the cinema and away from the large crowd that had gathered we stood in line for tickets to see Titanic in 3D. It was a little awkward, we had been holding hands the entire walk from the café to the cinema and now that we were inside and away from the photographers and the curious fans we were still handing hands.

Honestly it was a nice feeling. His hand fits perfectly in mine and I was honestly having trouble keeping the goofy grin off my face. We got our tickets and went over to the snack bar and got a bucket of popcorn and some drinks.

It was a good thing there was security outside the cinema because as we walked by the door there were about 100 fans waiting for us to come out, it turns out that unless they already had tickets they wouldn’t let them in because we’d probably get mobbed. “I feel bad for the cinema they’re going to lose so much money because of me.” I frowned as we walked in to the theatre and sat down in our seats in the middle.

“Don’t worry about that, they’ll probably let them in slowly once the film starts they can’t come in. And if they do they won’t notice us if we just start kissing,” I know he’s smirking but I can’t see his face because we’re in the dark which is a good thing because my cheeks are so freaking red because I would not complain if he kissed me.

“Don’t be an arse,” I tell him stubbornly.

He chuckles as sets the popcorn in the chair beside him. He moves around a bit and before I know it he’s pulled up the chair arm in between us and put his arm over my shoulder. I’m so good at making things awkward, I just sit there staring at the blank screen and there’s a huge gap between us from where the arm rest was thirty seconds ago. “Come here,” He orders and moves his arm to my waist and gently pulls me over to him. I smile decide that I should just go with it. I lean my head on his shoulder and sigh softly. The film hasn’t even started yet.

When the film did start we sat and watched in silence for a while before Louis started to get bored and started playing with my fingers. I smiled because it was sweet, he wasn’t even looking at the screen and his 3D glasses were on top of his head, as were mine. 3D films give me headaches. “Wanna get out of here?” He asks quietly after about an hour of not paying attention to Jack and Rose falling in love or whatever.

“Yeah,” I nod.


Louis’ point of view

Why the fuck did I suggest Titanic? I can’t sit through Toy Story let alone a three hour film about a boat. When I asked Iggy if she wanted to leave she was quick to agree so I stood up and took her hand sliding my fingers in between hers. I smiles as she closed her hand and squeezed gently. We walked down towards the screen and took one of the emergency exits. I’m allowed I’m special.

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