5. power of a banshee

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I ran through the school towards the male locker room. Thoughts rushing through my head about Isaac. I can't loose him. I rushed through the door and sighed with relief when I saw Isaac standing next to Allison, looking completely fine and talking to Deaton. "Isaac." I wrapped my arms around his neck as I pulled him in for a hug.

He returned the hug lovingly, holding me close before loosening hid grip, "Hey, Bella. I'm sorry." I furrowed my eyebrows as I eventually looked up from the hug at his sorrowful expression.

"Sorry for what?" I asked him, taking my arms from around his waist and letting them fall to my sides.

He looked down at his feet before he answered, "For going in the leak at the hospital, and for this. I'm sorry."

I slightly scoffed with a soft smile, "It isn't your fault, I'm just glad you aren't bloody dead."

Isaac moved his gaze from the ground to my eyes, "Me too."

I smiled at him thankfully before turning to Deaton, "So, are they all okay now?"

"I hope so." Deaton said with a tone of worry in his voice, "The part that's worrisome, is that this was most likely just a distraction for what was happening to Stiles."

"There's really two of them now?" Allison questioned, wearing a concerned look on her lovely face, "How's that even possible? How did the other one just take Lydia?"

"We turned around and they were gone." I told her, I vaguely shrugged my shoulders.

"So was her car." Deaton added onto my sentence.

"So no one noticed him just kidnapping her right out of the house?" The Argent girl proposed.

I raised my eyebrows, somewhat making sense of the girls question, "Most of us were concentrated on the bizarre sight of a creature, materializing from a pile of bandages on the floor of Scott's living room..."

Isaac shook his head in confusion, "Hold on. How are you so sure which Stiles is which?" He asked us with furrowed eyebrows.

"That's what they're trying to figure out." Deaton told him, the small smile appearing on his face that I have noticed always appears, it's not a smile of happiness, more like maybe trying to comfort us or to just not always be so serious or down.

"Well, I don't expect the real Stiles to run off with the girl he has had a crush on since the 'third freakin' grade' and take her car with them, then not tell us where the hell they are and kidnap her." I stated, quoting Stiles.

"She's got a point." Allison and Isaac both agreed in unison.


"Bella, look, if anything happens. Just know, I love you." Isaac broke the silence on the journey back from the school.

I turned to him, "I love you too. Something is going to happen. I know it is. It won't just end with us getting Stiles back or destroying the Nogitsune. There's something big coming up, and we've got to prepare for it. But whatever it is, we'll still both have each other."

"Yeah, yeah we will." He faintly smiled at me, "I don't ever want to lose you. You're the only actual family I have left, you're the only one who experienced what I went through and we were together throughout the hell of it."

I quickly glance at the mark left on my lower leg, slightly showing above my black boots. I have more, I usually cover my scars up with my clothes. No one except Isaac and of course my fucking dipshit of a father who made them had ever seen them. Scott and Allison had seen a couple of them in the past. Stiles knows about them, but we aren't as close as we are with our other friends. My newer friends, such as Kira and Malia, have no knowledge of what happened.

"I'll be here forever, Lahey. And even though we may only have each other left, we've still got our friends, and Melissa." I mentioned our mother-figure who'd taken us in as her own. The amount of love and respect I have for that woman is unreal.


"Do you recognize me, hmm?" Noshiko tested Stiles as we all made our way into Melissa's living room. Melissa had tested Stiles already, but only medically. I didn't understand the point of all of this 'testing to see if it's actually Stiles' crap. I mean, like I have said before, do we all really believe that Stiles would kidnap her? No. Why the heck would he? He's Stiles for goodness sake, he'd never hurt her. He was undeniably in love with the girl he was most likely never going to end up with. But even though she'd barely noticed him until sophomore year, I doubt she won't fall for him.

"Stop." Scott ordered Stiles, moving his arm in front of his best friend's cold and fragile body, attempting to prevent him from doing the test which could either leave a mark behind his ear, or kill him.

Stiles slowly moved past his best friend's arm, "It's okay. I'm the one who asked her to come."

"You're the one who's going to get stabbed with swords." Kira took a step beside me, facing her mother. "Mom, don't do this to him."

"It's already done." Noshiko stated. Two black figures ascended from the dark. They wore oil black masks, covering what should be their faces, but Chris had told us that behind the mask was just darkness.

The Oni moved closer to Stiles. The one on the right reached up and grabbed the side of his head, behind his ear. Yellow shone through the eye-holes of the Demonic Ninja's mask. It's head tilted to the side, looking as if it was hypnotising the sick teenager. Kira gasped as she watched Stiles fall to the wooden boards, immediately falling to the floor beside him to check if he was okay, followed by me and Scott.

"Look behind his ear." Kira's mom demanded us. I reached behind his head and slightly turned it to the side so I could have a look behind his ear. There was a black symbol, it looked like a backwards 5, it's what Noshiko had described to me once, "It worked."

"So, I'm actually me?" Stiles asked Noshiko.

"More you than the Nogitsune." She replied, not changing her tone in voice, like always.

"Can The Oni find him?" I stood up from beside Stiles, moving back near Melissa.

"Tomorrow night." Noshiko answered, "It's too close to dawn now."

"Can they kill him?" Kira then questioned her, looking up from her place on the ground.

"It depends on how strong he is." Her mom replied.

"What about Lydia? Why would he take her?" The teen wolf then turned to Noshiko.

"He would only take her for an advantage." I spoke up, undesirably earning everyone's attention.

"You mean her power?" Scott asked me.

I nodded, "The power of a Banshee."


Hey, this is literally the quickest I've ever updated a fanfic but who cares, the more the better ig. Sorry if this is like really crap, I feel like it should be more descriptive.


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