10. a divine move

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"Bella, c'mon, we've gotta go." Scott shouted to me from the bottom of the stairs. With that said, I quickly grabbed my ring that I always wear for good luck. I know it's so stupid but whenever I where it, it gives me some sort of hope and motivation. I obviously didn't wear it yesterday, on one of the most important days I needed it for. It's been passed down my family for who knows how long, feels like forever, but it's still shiny and strangely looks as good as new. It's a silver band engraved with some sort of writing on the shank of the ring, it's too small to read though so I still don't have any clue what it says. It also has a purple sort of crystal or gem on the front of it, quite beautiful really. I found it in my mom's jewellery box after she had passed when I was looking through some of her old stuff.

"Coming!" I shouted back at him as I ran down the stairs whilst putting my black jacket on over my outfit. "Soooo, are we getting picked up? Meeting them there? Picking them up in the imaginary car that we don't have?" I questioned when I opened the front door and received a small breeze from outside. Kira trailed behind me as I left the warmth of the house.

"Stiles is driving to pick us up." Scott explained, locking the door behind the three of us.

"You're kidding right?" I turned to look at him just as he stepped away from the door and froze in his spot as he looked at me, confused.

"What?" He questioned.

"What do you mean, 'what'? You know damn well what. Stiles isn't well enough to be driving, he needs some rest. He's only recently, if you can't remember, been possessed by a fucking mummy wearing clothes who took over his body and made him do all of these crazy ass crimes and he's suffering from an illness why is he driving us?" I exclaimed with an extremely confused, worried, and shocked look on my face. A mix of all three. Just as I said that, the all-too-familiar blue jeep pulled up outside of Scott's house. And yes. Stiles was driving it.

"Get out." I demanded as I approached Stiles' window. He turned to me and his mouth opened and he started making all of these weird faces, not knowing what to say.

"What? Why?" He squeaked, clutching the steering wheel with both of his hands firmly.

"Stiles, get in the back, now." I repeated, whilst opening his door and waiting for him to get on the back seat. He stared at me, open-mouthed, for at least 5 seconds before giving up and clambering into the back seat. "Thank you." I said, with a hint of kindness and sincereness, before starting up the rusty jeep and heading off to the high school.

As we neared towards the school, I felt a pair of eyes watching me, immediately knowing that the person looking at me was Scott, I turned my head to the right to look at him, "What?"

He smiled slightly before answering, "You know, you're a good friend."

I looked at him for about a second before nodding my head somewhat and turning my focus back onto the road ahead.

Her - Malia TateWhere stories live. Discover now