7. meredith

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"Uh, Coach?" I tried to get Coach's attention as she noticed a delicate young girl sitting at the back of the classroom, looking as if she didn't quite belong there. She was a small and frail human, I recognised her, I don't know where from but I did. Her hair was frizzy, it was a mousey color. I'd never seen her before, she was wearing clothes like they do in Eichen House.

As coach turned around, I saw the girls hand, which was gripped to the table, flinch. "I don't think she's supposed to be in this class." I informed our dear coach.

"Oh, um." Coach stuttered in confusion as he neared towards the fragile girl. He eyes nervously glanced up at him when he reached her.

My head turned as I heard Kira standing next to my seat, pulling her phone out of her pocket and finding Scott in her contacts. "She's here. In Coach's class. And you need to get here now too. Like, right now." The Kitsune explained to my best friend urgently. We shared a quick and worried glance at each other before focusing our attention back on the pale female sitting on the row behind me. That's when I realised who it was, it was Meredith. The Banshee from Eichen House who we were expecting to help us with finding Lydia.

Coach Finstock slowly knelt down next to the desk. "Sweetheart." He attempted to get her attention, as seen as though she was in a daze, it just ignoring us because that's also a fairly possible answer. "Sweetheart." He repeated once more, "Do you want to tell me which insane asylum you escaped from?"

"Coach, insane asylum isn't proper terminology anymore." Danny chipped in from beside Coach.

Coach furrowed his eyebrows even more before talking to Meredith again. "Okay. Sweetheart. What— What nuthouse did you escape from?"

"Eichen House." She replied, earning small shocked gasps from individuals around the room, surrounding her.

"Wanna tell me what you're doing so far from there?" He questioned her, trying to understand the poor girl.

She looked up at Coach with a quite deadpanned expression across her face, but I could see the terror lingering in her eyes. "Trying to help." She paused for a moment before lifting her right finger up to ear and pointing at it. "I can hear them. They scream."

Coach shook his head slightly in astonishment and blinked a few times before responding in a worried and confused tone, "That's got to be terrifying. What, uh— Why do they scream?"

"They scream when someone's about to die."

"Are they screaming right now?" Coach asked her. Meredith nodded in response. "How many of them?"

"All of them."

"Okay, okay, just come with me and you can wait in my office." Coach smiled softly at Meredith before standing up and leading her into his office right outside the door.

"Coach. You can't let them take her back." I demanded, running in front of him as he walked out of his office, startling him at the sudden noise.

Kira appeared next to me, "It's hard to explain, but if you let her go back then really, really bad things are going to happen to Lydia, to Scott and Stiles and maybe everyone, including you. So please, please don't let them take her."

"Who are you?" Coach furrowed his eyebrows at Kira. He then turned towards me and softened them, "I know who you are, of course." He turned back to Kira, "But you, I don't recognise you." Coach Finstock furrowed his eyebrows again.

"Um... I'm Kira. I'm new." The kitsune replied in a confused but kind tone.

I noticed Coach's expression change dramatically as he spotted something down the hall. I turned around to see someone familiar, someone from Eichen House. Brunski. I had visited Eichen House once before, it was during Stiles and Malia's stay. I had only visited to see Morrell, Deaton's younger sister. Deaton had told me something about an ingredient for something. I don't remember what the hell it was, but it didn't seem too important so I just didn't bother asking. I knew what the answer would be, they'd start of talking about the folktale backstory of it and then go on to talking about something completely different to avoid answering. I had seen him when exiting Ms. Morrell's office, he had his smug smirk across his face, whilst handling a patient with another person who worked there. "Oh, hell."

"Finstock. Coach Bobby Finstock." Brunski said with an expected smug smirk on his face. "This is a delightful surprise. Hmm. What is that saying? Those who can't do, teach?"

"Yeah, that's funny." Coach scoffed.

"Is it Professor Finstock when you're off the field? I'm glad to see you made it pro something, Bobby." What the heck, his voice is actually annoying.

"It's just Coach." He had a slight frown across his face, the kinda frown that makes me want to punch Brunski in the face and crotch multiple times. Over and over again.

"Coach— You know, his job is lame. He works at a nuthouse and enjoys hurting people badly and torturing them. He wears the same clothes everyday, probably never washes his hair. And has the same expression on his face all of the time. You shouldn't feel offended by him." I advanced myself into the conversation.

Brunski scoffed and rolled his eyes, looking defeated, "Coach, where's Meredith?"

"She's fine. She's just sitting in my office." Coach groaned.

Coach opened his door to find his office empty, immediately earning a shoot from Brunski, "Find her!"


Hey, sorry I haven't updated in more than a week, i've been moving house so haven't been able to do any writing. Anyways, here's the next chapter. Also, sorry that there hasn't been much Bella and Malia content yet, I promise you some very soon <3

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