16. just one dance

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"Okay so you remember the plan?" Scott questioned me as we entered the club blasting out upbeat dance music. The whole place was crowded, and sweaty. Ew. There wasn't much chatter around the place, not much laughing either, just people dancing with strangers and having a great time enjoying themselves. In the corner of my eye, I spotted Lydia and Stiles who were currently standing at the bar, hovered over by a large man who I suspected to be one of the Calaveras.

"Yes, of course I do." I told him, following him further into the room and finding a spot to sit at. "Hey, where shouts are Malia and Kira?"

"Uh...Kira's over there, at that booth." He pointed towards where the Kitsune was sat, away from all of the crowd. "I don't know where Malia is though." His eyebrows furrowed in confusion whilst struggling to find the Werecoyote.

And then I saw her, in the middle of the dance floor. I didn't even know she knew how to dance like that. She was a coyote for 8 years. What? Did she go out to little coyote clubs in dens or coyote raves or something? Seriously, this girl is amazing. "Found her." I told Scott, and he sighed in relief before leaving me where I was and then walking away.

My eyes were locked on Malia dancing without a care in the world. That was until I saw 2, who seemed to be hunters, at each end of the club. The female looked as if to be keeping her eye on Malia. It was if she was waiting for something to happen. I immediately stood up and pushed my way through the crowd to get to Malia. "That woman over there is either planning to murder you or is non-stop checking you out." I practically shouted at her over the loud music and chattering.

"Yeah, I've noticed." She said unnerved as she glanced over at the woman and then at the guy at the other end of the room.

"Well, what should we do?" I asked her, standing aimlessly in the middle of the floor surrounded by lively adults partying.

"Blend in." Malia told me, still dancing of course. I watched as she looked around her before looking back at me. She slowly walked up to me and slid her hand behind my back, grabbing my waist. I swear my stomach started doing a gazillion flips as soon as she touched me. She looked me directly in the eyes and started to sway with me. I went along with it, and started dancing along with her. I'd never been in such close contact with her before. Well, except for that time when we almost kissed and probably would have done so if Scott hadn't interrupted us before we had the chance to.

I watched her smile grow across her face whilst we were dancing, and I felt mine grow too. I moved my arms to rest on her shoulders, my fingers meeting behind neck. I loved it. Every second of it. I could feel my heartbeat was rising fast as fuck and she could most likely hear it as of her werecoyote-superhearing thing. But at least she couldn't hear the kaleidoscope of butterflies having panic attacks, fluttering like mad in my stomach. It was a strange feeling. A feeling that I'd only ever gotten when around Malia. And to be honest, I couldn't get enough of it. It felt awesome.

Random people in the club started to crowd around us whilst we were dancing. A man in about his twenties was nearing closer to us every second whilst dancing with this woman. Couldn't keep his eyes off us. I turned my attention towards the huntress in the corner of the club again, she had kept her watch on us this whole time. She knew that we were the ones she was looking for. All of a sudden, I felt a warm breath near my ear, I slightly shook in fright before turning to see that it was Malia. "You ready?" She whispered. Obviously not a real whisper otherwise I wouldn't of been able to hear hear, but it was loud enough to know what she was saying. I nodded in response and moved my hand, hovering the gun in my back pocket that was hidden by my jacket that reached just above my denim shorts. Just in case I needed it, of course. As the woman neared 1 meter way from me, I turned around and swung, getting her right in the cheek. She stumbled but managed to straighten herself up again. She brought up her gun and pointed it and me but just before she got it in place, I swiftly swooped my arm up and took it out of her hand before gracefully knocking her out with it.

"Woah, didn't even need to use my gun." I said underneath my breath. I turned around and saw Malia standing up from body slamming the guy on the wooden floor. We ignored the states we were receiving from others around us and went to go find Scott. He was waiting for us by a door and lifted up his hand to gesture us to follow him.

We trailed behind him into the dark and dusty corridor beside the club. We started to walk, but all stopped when we saw the Calaveras at the other end of it. They were up for a fight. And we weren't backing down. As soon as we were about to run up to the group and knock their Hunter Asses out, smoke began to be projected from every corner. It had a familiar scent. Not one I could put a name to. But luckily, Scott did it for me, "Wolfsbane. It's wolfsbane! Kira, Malia, get out of here." He shouted as they all fell down onto their knees, coughing and grunting from the deadly toxins.

"What the hell is your problem?" I yelled to the Calaveras from the opposite side of the room, not affected one bit by the wolfsbane rapidly infecting the air.

Araya, the lead Calavera, stepped in front of Scott, "Someone who has been an Alpha only a few months should be more careful when facing a hunter of 40 years."

"All we want is Derek." Scott grunted from the ground.

The woman smirked, "My lobito, you're a long way from home."

Scott's expression turned into confusion and shock, "You don't know where he is either." And with that, Araya knocked him out cold, and, somehow, one of the hunters had come up behind me and hit me round the back of the head. And everything went pitch black.

Her - Malia TateWhere stories live. Discover now