9. a close friend

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The silence was deafening. All four of our faces plastered with shock and grief. I didn't want to believe it. None of us did. I had the image of her dying on repeat in my head. Not knowing why she had to go. I already miss her. And it's only an hour later. We sat outside of the Sheriff's office. Waiting for our turns to speak. Scott went first. Then it was Isaac. Next it was Lydia. And last, me.

I stood up from beside Scott and made my way into the familiar room. Sheriff Stilinski was waiting with another man when I sat down. I looked down, waiting for someone to speak.

"What's your name?" The man asked me.

"Isabella Lahey." I replied before he started making notes on a clipboard he was holding.

"So your the sister to the boy outside?" He asked after hearing my last name.

"Yes." I stated.

"What were you in relation to Allison Argent?" He questioned.

What was I? What was I? The question repeated itself in my head. "A close friend."

"Okay. And where were you when this accident occurred?"

The whole catastrophe replayed in my head, almost as if it was happening all over again, "I was standing a few feet away from her when it happened."

"Can you tell me how you remember it happening?"

I held back a couple of tears as the unknown man questioned me about my best friends death. I sensed him and the Sheriff sharing a look. "I'm sorry. It just happened so fast." I told them what Allison's father had strictly stated for us all to say. This man had probably heard this sentence 3 times before this already.

"Take your time." Noah comfortingly told me.

"Some guy just, he just stabbed her. I'm pretty sure it was with a knife. After he had done that, Scott came running to help her. I froze, along with literally everyone else. She said her last words, and then died."

"Okay. And where did this happen?"

I remembered everything Chris had told us to say, and hopefully all of us would've said that same thing. "It happened in a car park just outside of town." I lied my fucking ass off.


After the incredibly exhausting interview, me, Scott and Isaac arrived back at the McCall household. All of us too stunned to speak, motionless almost. We entered in silence, hanging our jackets up on the few hooks beside the door and making our ways upstairs into our separate bedrooms. It was silent as hell as soon as I set foot into my room. Even though she was rarely at my house, it felt empty without Allison. It didn't make it any better when I found her necklace under one of my pillows laid on the floor beside my bed. I sat myself down on my bed and held the pillow close. I reached my hand down to the silver pendant on my carpet and picked it up. It even smelt of her. God, this is not going to be easy.


"Hey, Darling, wake up, do you want any breakfast?" The comforting voice of Melissa made me open my exhausted eyes.

"Morning, I'm not hungry at the moment, thank you." I rub my eyes and sit up in my bed before stretching my arms out in front of me and yawning.

"It's no problem, sweetie. If you need anything, just find me." She reassured me, stroking my head before leaving my room and closing my door.

I was just about to lie back down before I heard a quiet knock at my door. I groaned slightly before getting out of my bed and walking over to the door. I opened the door to reveal Isaac and Scott standing on the other side. I moved to my right, gesturing for them to come into my room. Scott took a seat at the end of my bed and so did Isaac. I followed behind them, sitting back down on my messy and unmade bed.

"How are you guys holding up?" I asked as I brought a grey blanket over my shoulders to keep me warm in my unusually chilly bedroom.

"I'm okay, I guess." Isaac told us, we all however knew for a fact that he was not okay yet. None of us where.

I looked over at Scott who hadn't answered. The sight of him was heartbreaking. He was holding Allison's necklace that I had found in my bedroom the night before. I watched closely as a tear rolled down his cheek, whilst I was moving so that I was perched in between the both of them. Scott lifted the necklace up slightly as he turned his head towards me, "Where did you get this?" He asked me quietly.

I tucked my unbrushed hair behind my ear before placing my hands on my knee, "I found it when we got home last night. It was on my floor right there." I said, pointing towards the spot where I had found the necklace only a few hours before.

Scott stifled a small smile before looking back at the both of us, "I remember when I stole this only a few weeks after we had first met."

I smiled at the sight of his happiness, and I turned to my right to see my brother doing the same. "I recall that." I told him.

"I returned it in the woods one day, and she ended up using one of her evil zapper things on me. But she gave me a hug after." He laughed before slowly attempting handing the necklace to me.

I stopped his hand as it neared towards me, knowing exactly what he was trying to do, and pushed it back towards him, "You keep it."

"What? No, you were her best friend." He exclaimed, "You keep it." He took my hand and opened it before placing the necklace in it.

"And you were the person she died in the arms of. You should have it." I returned it to him, putting it on his lap. His eyes suddenly perked up with an idea, like a puppies ears when they get excited. He looked over at Isaac, and I new exactly what he was thinking. Scott passed the necklace to me, and I turned to my brother before placing it in his hands."

He looked up at me, confused. "What?"

"You have it." Me and Scott both said in sync.

"Why?" He asked.

"Because you deserve it." Scott told him with a smile on his face.

I saw Isaac's eyes tear up a little before he brought us both in for a hug, "Thank you so much."

Her - Malia TateWhere stories live. Discover now