20. ringing

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It was very certain to declare that I had kissed Malia Tate. Me. After all the time we had spent on each other's presence and all of the things we had shared. The sharing took a leap of faith in the share of the kiss. I was happy. Malia made me happy. The kiss made me happy. But we weren't going to tell anyone about it. For they had a lot to worry about, and why not keep a little secret? You've got to have some fun.

Driving home in my truck was a new turn for me. I knew how to drive, I was actually a very good driver, in fact. But another new thing, was driving home with Malia. I was dropping her off at her own house after the mess we had just gone through in Mexico. Somehow, her scent wasn't leaving me. It was still lingering around my senses; not wanting to leave. She was sitting beside me in the passenger seat, a moment I remember very distinctively. Taylor Swift was playing on the radio for it was one of the only few albums that Melissa had stored in this car. I don't know why I remember this moment so we'll, as there was barely anything to it. But it was comforting, and I felt safe and happy. I loved that.

As we pulled up outside of her house, all I could think of was not wanting to let her go. Even after that one kiss, it was as if all of my feelings had been bundled up and had only just decided to explode as one whole bomb of feelings to play with my heart. All I wanted was her.

We hadn't spoken the whole car journey, partially because there was no need. We both felt comfortable with each other. There was no such thing as awkwardness when we were together. It was just an extinct feeling that was no longer useful. Her house was lit in only two rooms as we pulled up to it. Mr. Tate's bedroom, and the kitchen. I parked up, not saying a word as Malia exited the vehicle. I wanted to. Of course, I wanted to. But I didn't know what to say. I sighed as I watched her open the first door to enter her house, and I was seconds away from turning on the engine, but I was stopped. She was stopped. Malia ran back down to where I was parked.

"Do you wanna come inside?" The question was all I needed to turn off the radio and leave the truck safely outside. As we walked up to her house, all I felt was joy. She led the way, her door already being unlocked, followed by me trailing closely behind her. Up the stairs, into her bedroom. Her bedroom was familiar to me now. From the white curtains draping down to the floor, to the framed photos of her family and random patterns on her walls.

She closed the door behind me as soon as we entered, not even bothering to say 'hello' to her father. But, I'm sure he must've been asleep considering the time being 01:20, already. I took my boots off and placed them beside her wooden wardrobe before making my way over to her neatly made bed. "Hey, Lia?" I asked as I sat down on her bed, fairly scared to bring up the topic but knowing that it had to be brought up otherwise we might've never done anything about it.

Her - Malia TateWhere stories live. Discover now