21. not only kira

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"Come to the high school. Now." Scott demanded down the phone. I'd just had a shower, looking forward to getting into bed, and falling asleep, maybe. But my night was interupted, not for a bad thing, of course. For Scott. He left no context, ended the call and left me wondering what could possibly be so important. Without any hesitation, I pulled down my grey shorts, flinging them onto my bed before taking my black jeans from the top of my laundry basket and putting them on. I had no time to dry my hair, seeing as it was urgent, taken from his tone in voice.

The moon reflected through the windscreen of my old and rusted truck that I drove. The high school wasn't far away from the McCall household, making it easier for me to get their in an appropriate amount of time. Something was going down. And whatever it was, I wanted to help fight it. As I pulled up to the school, the sight of a large being was formed down the stairs I had used many times which lead to the lacrosse field. I immediately got out of my truck, having no time to lock it, and ran to where the skeleton-like creature was. That was moments before I realised that my best friend was facing the creature, obviously fighting it, and hopefully winning. "What the hell is that thing?" I yelled from the top of the stairs where I stood overlooking the sight.

"It's a berserker. Go find Malia!" He shouted to me in reply. My face and mind were suddenly full of confusion. Malia is here?

"I thought she was at home?!" I told him truthfully, I had only a few of hours ago dropped her back at her house after school. But she was here instead.

"No. Just go find her. Now! Go!" Scott demanded as he fought of a so-called 'berserker'. I ran to find her before I could even think about trying to stay behind to help Scott. I mean, if I had stayed behind, would I really have been much help in a situation like this? The answer is a no, of course. But, I always did my best to try. Yet helping Scott wasn't needed, it was finding the werecoyote that was top on my priority list, except I didn't have many priorities during those hours. As I made my way through the school, I searched every room inside, every hall, every staircase, every roof, even the boys locker rooms. But, no, she was nowhere in sight. That was until just as I was about to go check down by Scott again, that a familiar heartbeat was heard when I ran into the open school grounds. I was on the first floor, beside some lockers which didn't belong to any of us. But there she was, hurt. I didn't even let a thought pass through my head before I rushed over to her. Annoyingly, very annoyingly, another Berserker stood in my way of the girl. And I wanted to help. My first instinct told me I should just grab onto the bastard skeleton and lunge him out of existence but I hadn't really had much practise in that sort of skill...

"Come on, Bella. This is to save Malia." I told myself once under my heavy breaths as I stood behind the monster wanting to kill her. "You can do this." Attempting to make myself believe was the best I could do at that moment to persuade myself that I could do it, and that I was a good fighter. With that, I had no choice. Malia was too injured to do it herself. Obviously the cut would heal soon but we were in a rush. I ran towards the monster that was cornering Malia, going in for a kick. I karate-kicked the berserker's back, actually harder than I thought I could ever kick so that's a relief. I sent the berserker almost tumbling to the floor, though it's hands were strong enough to hold it's body from completely falling. Malia had managed to scramble out of the way so that was even more a relief than my unknown strength was. However, as the being began to stand up, I kicked it again. This time, sending it face down on the floor. Holy crap. I gasped slightly as I saw what I had accomplished. And the Berserker's life wasn't going to last long at all. Kira came out of nowhere with her sword, instantly attacking the creature that had now doubled in quantity as another came out of nowhere, along with Scott being flung to the floor beside Malia. It looked like Kira was winning, and she was doing a pretty good job at it. But, she turned to face the other two, pride glistening in her eyes from her achievement; after milliseconds she was whacked across the face, forcing her tumbling to the ground. She landed next to Scott before they looked deep into one another's eyes, both worried for the other. Just as I was about to try and fight again, a familiar figure launched him self at the two berserkers, throwing punches and kicks every time he got. I made my way over to where Malia was, leaning on the ground in pain against the blue railing that stopped her from falling off the edge of the first floor that held us.

"Hey, are you okay?" I blurted out, worried, crouching down beside the injured werecoyote as young Derek fought the berserkers with all of his strength. Malia winced in pain as I placed my hand where she had been injured on her leg.

"I'll be fine." She stammered, turning to face me with barely any concern in her eyes. "I promise."

My eyes met hers and my heartbeat rose instantly, making me nervous as I knew she could hear my heartbeat and so would be able to her the rapid change in speed. We sat there, both looking into each other's eyes. She was beautiful. The way the lights from the ceiling reflected in her confused chocolate brown eyes. The way her parted lips were shaped perfectly. Everything about her was what I loved about her. She was a masterpiece. An angel. Too good to be true. We'd only kissed once, and no one knew except us. Why should they know? They'd got a lot going on with the whole supernatural crisis and school. Besides, it's fun to have a secret. Especially a secret like that. I watched as her facial expression stayed the same, confusion and shock flooded her eyes.

"What?" I asked her, not having a clue as to what she was so confused about.

"Your eyes. They were purple." She somewhat whispered to me, not wanting anyone else to hear. I guess Kira was right, my eyes have been flashing purple. We have to figure out what I am. Sooner or later, I have to know. No matter what it takes.

"Derek?" Scott questioned as the man who had only just been a teenager turned to face the group. This caught mine and Malia's attention, causing us to turn away from one another and focus on the real problem in hand. Derek was back. But, his eyes didn't shine the ocean blue they once had. No. His eyes now shone a golden yellow, just like Scott's when he was first bitten, before he became an Alpha. When he was a Beta.


hey ! i'm extremely sorry that it's taken so long to update and, for my cora fanfic, i don't think i'll be updating that anytime soon so i deeply apologise for that. But I hope you enjoyed this chapter! #mella #balia which ship name ?!

Her - Malia TateWhere stories live. Discover now