Part 1

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*12 years after the fight with Oroshiki*

Sasenami jr: *spits blood* such a pain *walks home with bruises*

Sasenami jr: *walks in the house and puts his shoes by the door* Oi Uncle Nora...I'm back

Noragaki: hey I'm in the kitchen making food

Sasenami Jr: it smells nice *walks into the kitchen while wiping some of the blood off his lip*

Noragaki: why do you have blood on you?

Sasenami Jr: got into a fight with some shitty bastards at the academy...they thought it would be a good idea to jump me so I beat their asses and now I got kicked out of the academy for a little bit

Noragaki: lord what are we gonna do with you?

Sasenami jr: I can go back after 3 days so it's not a big deal uncle...those shit stained bastards had it coming

Noragaki: what did I tell you about the cursing in here

Sasenami Jr: what's the big deal about it anyways? It's not that bad

Noragaki: cause I said so and so did your mom

Sasenami Jr: tch whatever...I'm going out...this day's been bad enough *walks out of the kitchen towards the door* *mumbles* so annoying...why did I even bother

Noragaki: jeez Konan you better lay your hands on him before I do

Konan: *walks down the stairs* hm? What happened?

Noragaki: Junior came in and he was fighting again *walks to and kisses Konan on her head* you sleep well?

Konan: yea better than yesterday *hugs Noragaki* whatcha making for dinner?

Noragaki: your favorite

Konan: Ah *smiles* can't wait

Catrina: *walks in* Daaaaad we're back

Jashin Uchiha:'re too loud...I'm pretty sure he heard us when we walked in *puts shoes by the door and walks up to his room*

Noragaki: alright dinner will be done in a minute

Catrina: alriiiiight *runs up to Noragaki and hugs him* what did you do today while I was out at the academy dad?

Noragaki: nothing much I helped out the hokage and then got to stay at home and now I'm waiting for dinner to be done

Catrina: You got to help out uncle Naru- I mean Lord 7th?!? Cool...when I become a Jonin I wanna be able to help him as much as possible

Noragaki: awww that's just too cute

Catrina: hehe

Jashin Uchiha: *walks down* have fun being stuck as a Jonin...I'm gonna join Anbu just like Jashin-sensei...then become hokage

Catrina: you won't be hokage I will

Jashin Uchiha: then the village will be over flowing with puppies and flowers

Catrina: sh- shut up...I'm gonna protect the village so

Jashin Uchiha and Catrina: *looks at Noragaki* dad watch and help me become hokage

Noragaki: yeah okay I'll help as soon as I get done being hokage

Catrina: oh yeah...I forgot you're the next candidate to become hokage...alright...we'll be waiting for you dad so do your best

Noragaki: I'll try as long as I got all of your help but until then *starts setting out plates* eat your food

Catrina: ok *sits down and looks around* I feel like someone's missing

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