Part 16

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Urashiki: *dodges it* I can see your attacks easily

Catrina: cmon Oroshiki *Karma appears*

Catrina (Oroshiki): since you don't know how to use this power I'll take just get a feeling for it...PLANETARY DEVASTATION *a bunch of rocks go up to him*

Urashiki: you're shitting me right? I'm an Otsutsuki I know this jutsus weakness *attacks its core and stops it* now then who to get first *the ten tailed beast reaches out to grab Noragaki*

Noragaki: not today *pulls out his sword and slashes it in half*

*it regenerates and reaches out again while another tail reaches out to hit him*

Noragaki: damn you BURN Amaterasu

*the ten tails roars*

Urashiki: *appears behind Oroshiki/Catrina* boo *stabs them with chakra rods and stops their movement and chakra from flowing* you're the ones who's gonna be a real pain...I will rid of this power I will create a fruit to give the ten tails with your Otsutsuki data and start draining this planets life *digs fingers into their back*

Catrina: AAH...STOP

Catrina (Oroshiki): dammit...sorry I didn't sense him brat

Catrina: it's not your fault

*Urashiki starts taking out Oroshiki's Otsutsuki data from Catrina*

Sasenami Jr: DAMMIT ALL...GET OFF OF HER *uses fox sage mode and kicks Urashiki away*

Urashiki: dammit

Urashiki: if I were you I wouldn't touch those rods...they'll rob you of your chakra and stop its flow...then you can't fight me anymore...I'll take all of Senken-seis chakra so I'll be more powerful *launches chakra rods at Noragaki*

Noragaki: come on you idiot how many times till you get it through your head *starts slashing and blocking most of them as he grabs one mid air and throw it back at him*

Urashiki: but I did *appears in front of him and jabs him in the gut with his fishing rod*

Noragaki: GAH *spits out blood as he starts falling but grab Urashiki and pulls him into the rod stabbing him with it* double check you fuck

Urashiki: heheh *lifts fingers and chakra rods start to come up from under the ground and comes up from under Noragaki*

Noragaki: tch bastard *jumps away and barely dodges it*

Sasenami Jr: spirit energy...inner demon *a huge shockwave is released at Urashiki then he runs up to Urashiki and kicks him into the ground

Urashiki: damn I couldn't see him doing that with my rinnegan...dammit *flies up to Sasenami Jr and throws a kick at him*

Sasenami Jr: *dodges and kicks him towards Noragaki*

Noragaki: *stands up and starts doing hand signs* FIRE FOX MAJESTIC FIRE FLAME *shoots a fire ball that completely engulf Urashiki*

Urashiki: tch *absorbs it with his rinnegan then thrust his fishing rod at Noragaki* your chakra will be MINE

Noragaki: THAT'S FUCKING IT *grabs his rod* YOU WANT MY FUCKING CHAKRA THEN HAVE IT *starts boosting all of my chakra into the rod making it explode from the middle*

Urashiki: prick *creates another rod* I'll KILL YOU *throws a kick at his gut*

Noragaki: you kill me yeah right other way around *grabs his leg and throws him to the ground*

Urashiki: *uses red rinnegan and gets out of the attack and appears behind Noragaki and thrust chakra rods into him*

Noragaki: *jumps back and takes a rod in his arm as he throws a kunai at him*

Urashiki: *dodges it* tch you're so annoying

Sasenami Jr: spirit energy...FIRST STEP

Urashiki: huh? *gets sent up high in the air*

Sasenami Jr: and now spirit energy....SECOND STEP

Urashiki: dammit *tries to absorbs the lava* what? I can't absorb it? Don't tell me...GAAAUGH ITS ACTUAL LAVA

Sasenami Jr: got him...high five uncle *puts hand up*

Noragaki: he's not done yet Junior keep focused

Sasenami Jr: true

Urashiki: I've reached my boiling point...TEN TAILS HURRY UP AND GRAB OROSHIKI...IT'S NOT HARD WHEN THE SENKEN-SEI'S SON IS INJURED...tch...nothings ever going the way I planned...I need power...and I need it now...I haven't collected enough chakra...there's chakra in my eyes though *pulls out eyes and starts eating them* ah....I'm surging with power *horns get bigger and his eyes glow yellow* it's done *appears in front of Noragaki and kicks him far*

Noragaki: GAHHHH *spits up more blood*

Urashiki: I will be the Otsutsuki God *appears in front of Noragaki and grabs him by the throat then starts absorbing his chakra* you lose

Noragaki: ahhhh *faints*

Urashiki: this world shall end...this era shall be no more

Sasenami Jr: I wouldn't say that...the new era is just beginning...SAKKAKU...

Urashiki: you think you can fool me with Illusions *activates byakugan* huh? It's...all nature energy everywhere....tch...damned Sage mode

Sasenami Jr: *uses water style and spits water at Noragaki* *whispers* cmon get up...I can't beat him on my own.. I can feel the difference in our power but if we fought together we can win

Noragaki: *wakes up as he activates his eternal mangekyo sharingan and would stab urashiki in his chest as he jumped out of his grasp*

Urashiki: just love making use my powers of the rinnegan huh *uses Naraka path and let's Noragaki go and let's the king of hell repair him* now I'm back to full power...what are you gonna do next? Croak and die?

Noragaki: what the hell damnit if only we had someone else here with us

Catrina (Oroshiki): you do now...thanks to your kid I'm able to move...he used some weird secret jutsu but I'm not gonna get into it...first...let's beat Urashiki...only one of us can become the Otsutsuki God

Noragaki: yeah I guess but I swear if you try and pull some shit

Catrina (Oroshiki): relax...I made an agreement with your long as I don't hurt you guys she'll let me freely take over...I just can't fully take over and continue the Otsutsukification's annoying but man your daughter can be quite the nagger

Noragaki: yeah you have to deal with her mostly now *runs up at Urashiki*

Urashiki: can no longer be called and Otsutsuki...I will wipe you and everyone off the face of this planet *swings fishing rod at Noragaki* give me more and more chakra


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