Part 8

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Sasenami Jr: it's time I get ready *takes headband off of his neck and puts it on his head and puts a kunai in his mouth and both of his hands*

Jashin: T- that looks like....Sasenami's stance when he was known as the Silent swift killer of the leaf...he used it the first time with the incident with the stone...did you teach him it Nora?

Noragaki: maybe maybe not

Catrina: what the hell type of stance is that weirdo

Sasenami Jr: the stance that will defeat you *uses a burst of speed and runs past her cutting her left arm a little bit with the kunai*

Catrina: oww that stings

Sasenami Jr: don't be a baby about it *runs up to her and throws a knee to her face*

Catrina: *grabs his knee and punches him*

Sasenami Jr: *blocks it* interesting *jumps back and does hand signs* EARTH STYLE: MUD WAVE *the ground shakes and moves in a wave like motion*

Catrina: shit *FIRE STYLE: fire ball jutsu *shoots a fire ball at the ground*

*the mud wave is still active but then stop*


Naruto: wait- but that jutsu...

*Sasenami Jr launches the flame balls to the side of Catrina, purposely missing*

Sasenami Jr: try not to get can burn without direct contact

Catrina: yo grrrrr *activate her 2 tomoe sharingan and runs up a wall dodging the flames to be careful*

Sasenami Jr: not bad *activates 3 tomoe sharingan* your sharingan hasn't evolved like mine though *gets in the stance again*

*the crowd start talking about his stance*

Sasenami Jr: take this *runs full speed* PURPLE LIGHTNING *hits Catrina's leg*

Catrina: GAHH dammit *leg sweep's Junior and punches him in the gut*

Sasenami Jr: *gets sent flying back a bit* not bad Catrina...WATER STYLE: WATER GODS TRIDENT *spits out water and it forms into a trident and goes towards Catrina*

Catrina:  FIRE STYLE: MAJESTIC DESTROYERS FLAME *a gigantic flame hits the trident*

Sasenami Jr: don't get cocky...MUD WALL *puts hands on the ground to stop the flames* thanks for the can use this jutsu *stands on top of the wall and does a bunch of hand signs* YOU'RE MINE

*the sky turns grey*

Sasenami Jr: LIGHTING STYLE: THUNDER GODS ARROW *puts hand up then puts it down and strikes Catrina with the lightning*

Catrina: AHHHHHHHH *she falls to the ground bleeding and injured badly*

*Catrina passes out and wakes up in a dark room with chakra with a strange man sitting there*

Catrina: who are you

???: your closest friend...I have finally found *reaches towards her right eye*

*Catrina wakes up and the arena shakes, the ground cracks and the rocks start flying up as Catrina ascends through the sky*

Sasenami jr: what the hell is...

Catrina: it's over for you all

Naruto: THAT VOICE... IT'S-

Catrina: it's my turn to play *opens right eye and a gold byakugan appears instead of a sharingan*

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