Part 3

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Kakashi: alright alright try and take the bell from me

Sasenami Jr: alright...but I already have it...head hunter jutsu

*shadow clone pulls Kakashi underground*

Kakashi: *disappears and is on top of a tree holding the bells* nice try but you gotta try harder than that

Sasenami Jr: maybe i will *throws kunai covered with lightning style chakra at Kakashi and some of them has paper bomb* lets make this flashy

Kakashi: *dodges most of them and stands there waiting for him to strike*

Sasenami Jr: *a lightning clone appears behind Kakashi after the kunai with lightning chakra pass and the clone reaches for the bell*

Kakashi: ohhh that's a nifty trick *dodges out of the way*

Sasenami Jr: lightning finger pistol jutsu *an intense concentrated beam of lightning goes towards Kakashi's bell*

Kakashi: lightning absorption jutsu *moves his hand to the lightning and absorb it*

Sasenami Jr: FIRE STYLE: GREAT FIREBALL JUTSU *a humongous fireball goes towards Kakashi*

Kakashi: "uh ohh"

Sasenami Jr: hehe now *a shadow clone that was transformed into a rock appears behind Kakashi* ONE THOUSAND YEARS OF DEATH *tries to do 1000 years of death on Kakashi*

Kakashi: pfft you would really use my own technique against me *moves to the side and kicks junior in the face*

Sasenami Jr: wonder why you were the 6th Hokage

???: wonder how you were able to beat those upperclassmen who got held back Junior

Sasenami Jr: hm? Who are you?

???: the names Yuko...I saw you come into school earlier...I was the fourth person hanging out with those kids with the dirty mouth...I came to apologize for what they said and wish become your friend

Sasenami Jr: well that's a first...ok I accept your apology...and we can be friends

Yuko: great *smiles*

Sasenami Jr: Hey Lord it ok for us to take a break?

Kakashi: *is no where is sight and 1000 years of deaths Junior* sure I don't see why not

Sasenami Jr: Gaaah *gets sent flying* dammit Kakashiiii

Kakashi: alright now have fun that's enough training for today

Sasenami Jr: Lord 6th...don't forget next week, i'll pass that graduation test and become a genin so get ready to be blown away

Kakashi: I'm more than ready

Sasenami Jr: how 7 do on the bell test when they first did it?

Kakashi: horribly even they struggled against me

Sasenami Jr: did I do somewhat better than them?

Kakashi: *in head* do I tell him yes to boost his confidence or do I just be honest *out loud* yes you did some what better

Sasenami Jr: you're lying aren't you...

Kakashi: nope

Sasenami Jr: ok if you say so...well I'll see you tomorrow

Kakashi: alright then

Sasenami Jr: so...Yuko was it? How did you know I was here?

Yuko: just my intuition

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