Part 13

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*10 months later after some intense training*

Suzu: I have nothing left to teach you guys...great job for exceeding my we'll be ready for the threat for whenever he comes

Noragaki: yes we will thanks

Sasenami Jr: thanks for everything Suzu...I’ll make sure to stop by occasionally

Suzu: alright then...i expect great things from you two

Sasenami Jr: you won’t have to worry a thing *hugs Suzu then walks off*

Suzu: *smiles* those two have grown

Sasenami Jr: I can’t wait to get home...I must’ve gotten so strong because my shadow clone hasn’t disappeared in 10 months...that’s a big improvement don’t you think so Uncle?

Noragaki: yup you got strong

Sasenami Jr: hehe...and if luck plays out I can seal Oroshiki with my new shadow style I learned

Noragaki: yeah he hopefully won't stand a chance against us

Sasenami Jr: I'm worried about that other Otsutsuki...Urashiki...I don't know when he'll arrive and how powerful he makes me feel nervous a little

Noragaki: yeah same and then there's Momoshiki in Boruto too no telling when he'll call me out

Sasenami Jr: well we've gotten strong so I'm sure we can take em...wanna stop by Ichiraku for some ramen? It's been a while

Noragaki: yeah sure why not that would sound good

Sasenami Jr: alright *smiles*

*they head to Ichiraku*

Sasenami Jr: hey Mr. Teuchi

Teuchi: Hey welcome *turns around*...Junior? Is that you?

Sasenami Jr: yep...I've been out training...sorry I haven't been able to stop by...we were training

Teuchi: I look alot stronger...and wow so do you Nora...welcome back from your training trip

Noragaki: thanks it's been like what ten months or so but hey we're back and I need some of your ramen before anything else

Teuchi: you got it *starts making some ramen*

Sasenami Jr: ramen ramen...can't wait to eat some ramen

Naruto: oh Nora, Junior *sits down* good to see was the training?

Noragaki: hard and tedious but it worked out for me

Sasenami Jr: Me too

Naruto: is that so...well im glad to have you two back...I've been having a bad feeling for the past couple of something big is gonna happen that can change the world

Noragaki: really like what

Naruto: the world's destruction...I woke up from a dream last night...and all life was being absorbed...people dying in front of me and I couldn't do a thing *hands start shaking a little* I'm not sure my power will be enough to protect this village but I want to do what I can for everyone's safety

Noragaki: yeah well we're here now so it'll be fine don't worry

Naruto:'s a relief to have you back..."top candidate for hokage"

Noragaki: ohh yeah I completely forgot about that one

Naruto: heh...well it's fine if you forget for now...I'm not giving up the seat of Hokage yet *smiles* but I know you're gonna do great things Nora...and you too Junior

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