Part 7

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Noragaki: *he was in the kitchen making breakfast*

Sasenami Jr: hm? *smells the air* there he is *comes down* 'morning uncle...ready to see me win?

Noragaki: yup as ready as I'll ever be

Sasenami Jr: I'm gonna wipe the floor with all of them

Catrina: no you won't...because I will be the one to win

Sasenami Jr: alright if you say so but it's your ass

Catrina: quit looking down on me just cause I'm younger than you by 10 months

Sasenami Jr: it's really not's just I have way more skill than you

Catrina: just you wait

Jashin Uchiha: *goes down stairs* hey dad is breakfast done yet

Noragaki: yes breakfast is done now all of you sit down

*Catrina and Jashin Uchiha sit down*

Sasenami Jr: I'll serve the food so you can sit down uncle

Noragaki: if you say so

*Sasenami Jr puts the plates on the table and sits down*

Sasenami Jr: let's eat

*someone knocks on the door*

Sasenami Jr: *sigh* I just sat down...hey Unc I know I told you to sit down but can you get the door for me please?

Noragaki: yeah it's fine *walks to the door and opens it* hello?

Konan: hey we're back...we kinda forgot our key so we had to knock

Erina: *kisses Noragaki* We're back...did you miss me?

Noragaki: I missed both of you and also breakfast is on the table

Erina: great...I got a gift for you Nora...and I got some for the kids but that'll have to wait til after the chunin exams *pulls something out of the bag* but look what I got it's a Kuraa-ma

Catrina: I see mom is still somewhat childish as usual

Erina: I'm not...I mean you can't say it's not cute

Catrina: well...*looks at it* I guess

Erina: alright...what did you make for breakfast sweetie?

Noragaki: just the regular bacon eggs pancakes and all that

Erina: alright *smiles and sits down and eats*

Konan: was so tiring in the hidden rain...good thing we stopped some where to get massage cuz I really needed that

Erina: they oiled us up pretty nicely and were good with their hands because now I feel relaxed but I'm full of energy

Konan: I don't know about the energy part but I do feel relaxed *sits down and eats*

Sasenami Jr: *finishes* alright I'm gonna leave out early...I'll see you at the arena everyone *heads out*

Noragaki: *blushes a bit from thinking about something* alright have some fun out there and you better win

Catrina: why are you blushing dad? Having perverted thoughts?

Noragaki: hehe

Jashin Uchiha: *sigh* thats dad for you...that's what you get when you live in a house with two women *finishes food* I'm heading out as well...I'll see you all at the arena *walks out*

Noragaki: alright alright Don't forget your stuff

Jashin Uchiha: don't worry...I got it all *runs off*

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