Part 17

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Noragaki: *slides under it as he kick Urashiki's leg from under him*

Urashiki: *avoids it* I see it all with these eyes *stomps on Noragaki*

Noragaki: *rolls out of the way* yeah I can too

Urashiki: huh?

Sasenami Jr: fox sage mode will run out soon....TAKE THIS SPIRIT ENERGY...TWO FINGER SPEAR *intense air comes out compressed and it goes through Urashiki leaving a hole in his stomach*

Urashiki: tch you bastard...I'll just have to finish Senken-sei now *thrusts a chakra rod at Noragaki*

Noragaki: *casually dodges it with ease* okay time for me to make full use of this for sight

Urashiki: you'll fail...I'll go back in time and kill you all before you do this and then I'll reign over the universe...but first I need something from the village

Catrina (Oroshiki): I won't allow you to get it *turns Urashiki to gold*

Urashiki: *breaks out* tch...I forgot how annoying you are

Catrina (Oroshiki): *teleports behind Urashiki and kicks him towards Noragaki*

Catrina (Oroshiki): get him Senken-sei brat

Noragaki: *shoves his sword through Urashiki as he punches him into the ground*

Urashiki: *spits up blood* do you understand what you're doing right filthy mortal you don't understand anything *grabs Noragaki's hand and throws him off then absorbs the ten tails and begins healing* I'll finish this earth off...all I need is a sacrifice for the seed for the chakra fruit of this earth *flies towards Noragaki and throws a kick at his face*

Noragaki: pffft I will never be your damn sacrifice *ducks under his leg as he upper cut him*

Urashiki: you have the chakra I need for more power and when I have more power Oroshiki will be no more...I'll far surpass him so I need you and him as a sacrifice *jabs fishing rod at him*

Noragaki: no I will not let that happen *blocks with his sword*

Urashiki: its about time this pathetic world people continue to cling to life like insects...lives don't matter when you're in the face of judgement...I'm the one who'll pass it down

Sasenami Jr: no...lives matter...especially the kings lives...they will lead us into a new era...they will be the future leaders and guide this world down the right way...I don't care about this judgment crap because

Sasenami and Sasenami Jr: JUDGEMENT SHALL NOT BE PASSED DOWN AND WE REFUSE TO SUBMIT TO POWER..THATS HOW WE HUMANS ARE...WE LEARN TO MOVE FORWARDS AND REFUSE TO DIE OUT ESPECIALLY WHEN WE HAVE SOMETHING PRECIOUS TO PROTECT...SUSANO'O *uses Susano'o and its at its full Armored state* GENSŌ-HA: PROTECTOR OF LIGHT DIMENSIONAL SLASH *swings dagger and it cuts through time and space and cuts Urashiki leaving his upper body and lower body in half*

Sasenami Jr: AND NOW...UNCLE LETS USE OUR NEW JUTSU TOGETHER *does hand signs*

Sasenami Jr: FIRE FOX....

Noragaki: *starts doing hand signs* ASH PIT

Urashiki: n- no...NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO *gets burned by intense purple flames*

Sasenami Jr: phew

Urashiki: it's...not over yet *begins healing with the ten tails power*

Catrina: let's me try Oro-chan

Catrina (Oroshiki): go ahead

Catrina: PLANETARY DEVASTATION *Urashiki is the core and rocks start going up to him*...I'm low on energy *falls and passes out*

Sasenami Jr: well then *jumps on the planet after the rocks stop going up towards there* Urashiki...I don't like killing people so...will you promise to leave

Urashiki: yeah...sure *reaches out and touches Junior*


Sasenami Jr: *jumps down* ok...Uncle...he said he would leave if we let him free...should we let him free?

Noragaki: yeah no

Sasenami Jr: so what do we do with him...if we kill him he might implant the karma on us

Noragaki: that's fine as long as he is out of here

Sasenami Jr: with the Karma he'll take over....allow me to kill him though...I don't want you to get the karma...I need you to stop me if he takes over *uses Susano'o again* I shall end your life...spirit energy...second step *lava shoots up* and now...DIMENSIONAL SLASH

Urashiki:'s not the end for me *gets head cut off*

Sasenami Jr: it's done...let's go home...Uncle...good thing you teleported us a little but away from the village so now the buildings aren't destroyed *stops using the Susano'o and picks up Catrina and puts her on his back*

Noragaki: good job junior I'll stop him if anything happens *falls over from the stab to his gut*

Sasenami Jr: dammit Uncle *uses medical ninjutsu with spirit energy to completely heal Noragaki* come on Uncle...let's go

Noragaki: *is breathing but knocked out*

Sasenami Jr: I can't carry you since I'm carrying Catrina

Jashin Uchiha: I got him *picks up Noragaki and carries him*

*they get home*

Sasenami Jr: I'm gonna wash Catrina then put her in bed

Jashin Uchiha: huh?!?! No no no...she'll kill you

Sasenami Jr: well she has to get washed one way or the other and I'm not putting her in bed after I changed the sheets...besides I'm not gonna look

Jashin Uchiha: alright I'll put dad in bed

Sasenami Jr: ok

*Sasenami Jr washes Catrina and puts on some new clothes and puts her in bed*

Sasenami Jr: rest well...Catrina *kisses her forehead*

*an hours later*

Naruto: *barges in the house and heads up to his room* NORA NORA...WHAT HAPPENED ARE YOU OK?

Noragaki: *he's still knocked out*

Naruto: well...guess he's sleeping...I'll wait for him to wake up to find out everything *sits down in a chair by Noragaki's bed*

*all the villagers come back into the village*

*5 hours later*

Erina: *walks in the house and goes up to the bedroom* Nora? And Lord 7th?!


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