Part 15

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Jashin Uchiha: ok *falls*

Sasenami Jr: JASHIN

Urashiki: I wouldn't look away if I were you *steals some of juniors chakra*

Sasenami Jr: gah...leave me alone...spirit energy...EXHALE *pushes Urashiki back and runs up to Jashin Uchiha and starts to heal him* this will leave a scar but you'll live...take a break

Jashin Uchiha: ok...thanks Junior

Sasenami Jr: *finishes healing him* I'm gonna finish these Otsutsuki once and for all *glares at Urashiki*

Urashiki: what the hell?...this presence...whatever this kid is done for

*back at Noragaki's fight*

Catrina (Oroshiki): hah...*makes a Susano'o out of light* you're gonna die today *blocks some of Noragaki's attack and thrusts a light spear at him*

Noragaki: *has one of his Susano'os take the hit as he slashes his light Susano'o and kicks it away as three other start a combo attack on him*

Catrina (Oroshiki): *teleports behind them and kicks them* not bad *uses gold byakugan* there's it's weak spot *stabs the neck of Noragaki's Susano'o with a light spear then the chin and then jumps into Noragaki's Susano'o and kicks him*

Noragaki: you have fucked up *pushes his leg to the side as he kicks him out sending him flying*

Catrina (Oroshiki): heh *teleports back into the Susano'o and thrusts a chakra rod at Noragaki*

Noragaki: god you get annoying with this *grabs his arm* but you do know that you're still in a little girls body so you don't have the best reach or chakra control FIRE STYLE: FIRE BALL JUTSU *shoots a fire ball at him*

Catrina (Oroshiki): *absorbs it with the rinnegan* I can absorb it still...I haven't showed you the full extent of my byakugans power *a weird mark appears around the rinnegan* seal...release *looks at Noragaki's shoe and it turns to gold*

Catrina (Oroshiki): now everything I look doesn't have to be your eye...or I can touch'll turn to gold...I can break your body easily after turning it to gold

Noragaki: what the fuck *pulls his foot out* Ohh finally a challenge TRY AND KEEP UP *starts teleporting everywhere around him as he lands multiple hits teleporting away to a new position everytime*

Catrina (Oroshiki): drain your chakra and make my job easier *teleports out of the Susano'o and turns it into gold*

Noragaki: this is barely hurting my chakra *jumps out of the susano as he keeps teleporting around hitting vital spots*

Catrina (Oroshiki): yes that's it...keep damaging your daughters body *teleports away and finds Noragaki's next location to teleport then teleports over there and kicks him in the face*

Noragaki: damn it how the hell

Catrina (Oroshiki): your daughter has such fine eyes *teleports behind Noragaki and thrusts a chakra rod towards a vital spot*

Noragaki: *uses shadow style and swaps places with him as he kicks him away* SHUT UP DON'T YOU DARE SPEAK ABOUT MY DAUGHTER

Catrina (Oroshiki): damn...but with this body...instead of being the king...I can be the God of all Otsutsuki *gets up* lets finish this little game of cat and dog

*at Sasenami Jr and Urashiki's side of the battlefield*

Sasenami Jr: I'll make all of you Otsutsuki pay

Urashiki: HAHAHA you dare to think that mortals like you can beat us how gullible

Sasenami Jr: it doesn't will pay *closes eyes* FOX SAGE can't beat me...this power far surpasses a tailed beast

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