Part 11

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Suzu: get ready...spirit energy...FIRST STEP *takes a step and the ground shakes again and comes up from under Noragaki again*

Noragaki: SHADOW STYLE SHADOW WALK *he walks, disappears, and come up behind her*

Suzu: spirit energy....spirit presense *a shockwave is released from her body all round and it hits Noragaki*

Noragaki: what the hell? *tries to get up quickly*

Suzu: spirit energy...death stare *glares at Nora* how strong is your will power? Do you believe you can keep getting up no matter how much times you fall?

Sasenami Jr: what the hell is this...this power? Talk about intense much concentrated power just from one glare

Noragaki: my will is v-very doesn't matter.....the enemy I go up against I will always get back up *starts getting back up slowly*

Suzu: do you really? *gets on all fours and turns into a huge white monster fox while glaring at Noragaki*

Noragaki: Yes I do and I will because deep inside.....MY DEMONS RAAAAAGGGGE *two Susano'os appear as they would be the biggest Noragaki had ever summoned as both are burning with a purple red flame*

Suzu: I see...very well *turns back to normal* you passed the back to the sparring...keep using your shadow style on me

Sasenami Jr: *is frozen stiff after seeing Suzu's monster fox and Noragaki's Susano'o*

Suzu: it's harder to use Susano'o while using shadow style so to get you stronger and more efficient I'll train you to use shadow style while using your Susano'o...Noragaki

Noragaki: shadow style shadow sword *both of his Susano'os bring the swords down onto Suzu*

Suzu: *vanishes* spirit walk *runs in the air and runs up to Noragaki* spirit energy...air bomb *punches the sky and a powerful dense blast of wind hits Noragaki's Susano'o*

Noragaki: *does hand signs* SHADOW STYLE SHADOW EATER *a shadow in the form of a dragon would take the hit as Noragaki's Susano'o swung at her*

Suzu: *flicks the Susano'os hand and it cracks a little* ho? I guess this is the power of the eternal mamgekyo sharingan...I used to break Sasenami's Susano'o with one flick...which is why I taught him about spirit power to make it stronger and tougher to break...anyways spirit energy...second step *takes a step in the sky and a bunch of rocks starts flying up with lava from the ground below and goes towards Noragaki*

Noragaki: great to hear that *jumps out of his Susano'os and jumps from rock to rock to her as he would pull out his sword and slash at her*

Suzu: spirit energy...harden *blocks Noragaki's slash* nice *jabs her knuckles into Noragaki's gut and a wave of energy goes through him*

Noragaki: gah

Suzu: that's enough for now *lands on the ground and catches Noragaki* great job...instead of using shockwaves I had to land and actual blow on you...alright onto the next lesson...try to use your will power to heal yourself but control it...if you try to use your spirit power on rage sometimes it might backfire so you need to remain calm and bring out the hidden energy...just like what Junior has to have to find that key within you...bring out your feelings and try to draw out your hidden strength you haven't brought out yet and imagine you trying to heal yourself...Sasenami had a hard time but he managed it and I'm sure since you're more talented than him you can bring it out faster than him

Noragaki: *he stands up as he used spirit power to heal himself*

Suzu: first try huh?...quite the prodigy...EEP CHILL OUT SASENAMI...THERE'S NO NEED TO BE ANGRY...oh Nora...Sasenami said that if he were still alive he would surpass you easily

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