Part 4

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Sasenami Jr: I won't lose to you're water got me before the last time we trained...but the results this time will be different...FIRE STYLE: FIRE BALL JUTSU *launches a fire ball at Yuko*

Yuko: WATER STYLE WATER SHIELD JUTSU *A wall of water blocks the fire ball*

Sasenami Jr: *runs in through the steam* EARTH STYLE: EARTH SPEAR JUTSU *stone spears come up from under Yuko*

Yuko: I can use this to my advantage *lets the stone lift her up as she kicked Junior in the face*

Sasenami Jr: gah...kidding *the water clone disappears and the real me appears in the sky* Fire style: Phoenix fire flower jutsu *launches it at Yuko*

Yuko: uh oh *gets hit by it*

Sasenami Jr: oh shoot...I think I put too much chakra into it and made it too ok Yuko?

Yuko: *is laying on the ground looking up* owwww

Sasenami Jr: Ms Sakura taught me this *lands next to Yuko and uses medical ninjutsu* how do you feel?

Yuko: like I was just hit by a cart

Sasenami Jr: I'll get you in tip top shape just give me a moment *is still using medical ninjutsu to heal Yuko wounds*

Yuko: thanks just watch your hand this time

Sasenami Jr: please stop reminding me of that it was an accident *looks away* it's not like I intended to grab it *continues healing her*

Yuko: jeez I'm just joshing ya

Sasenami Jr: jeez stop teasing me like that *blushes a little bit* how do you feel? Better?

Yuko: yes I feel better

Sasenami Jr: good *reaches hand out* here I'll help you up

Yuko: yeah thanks *she would grab his hand and stand up*

Sasenami Jr: *looks up* it looks like it's gonna start raining...let's go home and meet up by the dango shop later ok? I'd say...maybe 2?

Yuko: yeah sure that's fine

Sasenami Jr: alright *smiles* seeya *runs off home*

Yuko: yup bye bye *runs to her house*

*a few moments later*

Sasenami Jr: it's still raining...oh well it's almost to so I gotta meet up with her soon *leaves out the house*

Sasenami Jr: this alley seem like a good shortcut *walks down*

*a mysterious figure lurks and trails Sasenami Jr.*

*the mysterious figure holds a kunai and runs up to Sasenami and tries to kill him*

Sasenami jr: hm? *puts left foot back and lifts it and kicks the figure in the gut sending them flying

???: d- dammit *hood falls*

Sasenami Jr: your-...but why? Why did you try to kill me? After all this time...WHY YUKO?!

Yuko: it's not what it looks like Junior...i- I can explain

Sasenami Jr: I don't want to hear it...after all these times we were together and had fun...I can't believe you *runs futher*

Kid 2: well well well look who it's Junior

Kid 1: you mean the failure of a shit Shinobi

Sasenami Jr: a failure? What do you know about my father?

Kid 1: that he abandoned the village like he did you to join a terriost group

Sasenami Jr: you don't know a single thing on why he did it

Kid 3: oh we know...hey guys get a load of dad told me that Sasenami died thinking he was doing something and saving the village and got a hole in his a dumbass *laughs*

Kid 1: what he died like that so pathetic and stupid *laughs*

Kid 3: like father like fact you don't even belong in this village...go to the hidden rain like the shitty bastard you don't belong in the leaf

Kid 2: a failure doesn't belong because you wouldn't be helping this village in any type of way...thats why your clan got mostly wiped off the face of the earth

Sasenami Jr: if you care about this village so much and only talk about it and talk down on the people you call failures then I MIGHT AS WELL DESTROY THIS VILLAGE YOU HOLD DEAR THEN ALL OF THE FAILURES WILL BE GONE AND THERE WOULDN'T BE A VILLAGE TO PROTECT *starts doing a lot of hand sign*

Kid 3: woah watch out he's angry *laughs* he's gonna do a party trick for us

Kid 1: nice one I'm Soo scared *keep laughing*

Sasenami Jr: *is still doing hand signs*

*at the Anbu base*

Anbu: Noragaki sir, the Yamanaka clan has sensed highly concentrated chakra from within the village that Ms. Ino described it as a dark evil malicious chakra of blind rage...she wants us to check it out

Noragaki: got it then let's get ready and head out

Anbu: yes sir

*back at the alley way*

Sasenami Jr: *does the 50th hand sign*

Kid 2: you're finally done?

Kid 3: the sky doesn't look to's really dark and there's alot of lightning flashing up there

Kid 1: what are you scared of some thunderstorms and a rainy day there's no way this failure could do this *uses his foot and kicks Junior to the ground*

Sasenami Jr: *stands up* it's over...the more *puts hand up* LIGHTNING STYLE: THUNDER GODS ARROW *starts to put hand down to strike*

*blue chakra comes out from Sasenami Jr., takes human form and holds his arm, stopping him from finishing the jutsu*

???: that's don't have to endure this any longer...just calm down

Sasenami Jr: who are you? *looks down and then up* this can't be...but..he's dead....*releases the jutsu and puts his hand down* I can't believe it...Dad?!

Sasenami: yes its me son *hugs him*

Kid 2: there's no way in hell Sasenami is alive and must be a shadow clone right guys?

Kid 3: th- that looks exactly like dad showed me a picture...h- he's the real deal

Kid 2: wh- what?!

Noragaki: *teleports in front of them with the anbu* Junior what's go- S- Sasenami?


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