Part 10

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*in the morning*

Sasenami Jr: Uncle...breakfast is ready and I packed lots of snacks...I think we should be good to go on our training trip

Noragaki: alright let's go I have all my stuff ready

Sasenami Jr: alright

Catrina: *walks down the steps* you guys are leaving?

Noragaki: yeah we have to

Catrina: oh...I see *looks down*

Sasenami Jr: gonna miss me?

Catrina: n- no...well maybe...don't know why but I guess

Sasenami Jr: alright *creates a shadow clone* now you won't be so lonely

Catrina: alright...well be safe on your trip

Sasenami Jr: we will

Jashin Uchiha: hey dad...I'm gonna be out training with Jashin for anbu stuff so I won't be home for a while

Noragaki: have fun but I'm gonna be gone as well so you both be good for your mom and Konan

Jashin Uchiha: of course

Catrina: I will

Sasenami Jr clone: come on're not even supposed to be out here on the steps

Catrina: I'm fine

Sasenami Jr clone: I can carry you on my back up and down the stairs just tell me when you're going...I don't want you to get hurt from falling

Catrina: jeez Sasenami I'm're such a worry wart

Sasenami Jr clone: better than watching my little sister get hurt

Catrina: *sigh* anyways bye safe on your trip *runs up the steps*

Sasenami Jr clone: hey stop running

Sasenami Jr: welp...let's get going Uncle

Noragaki: yeah let's go bye *walks out and start walking the the exit of the village*

Sasenami Jr:'s back...he said to head east and it should be a straight shot to a cave in the forest

Noragaki: alright sounds like that will be fun *he walks on the trail east*

*Sasenami Jr follows*

*20 minutes they arrive at a cave*

Sasenami Jr: dad says this is the spot

*a fox comes out*

???: hey Nora, Junior...I've been expecting you

Noragaki: hey I'm guessing Sasenami told you about us

???: names Suzu...nice to meet you

Noragaki: nice to meet you too Suzu

Sasenami Jr: *whispers in Nora's ear* so this is the hag dad was talking about?

Noragaki: hey be nice or she might kick your ass

Sasenami Jr: ok ok

Suzu: this form might not be the best to talk to you in...pardon me *a huge smoke cloud appears as she transforms into her human form* ahh this is better...oops I forgot my clothes

*the smoke clears*

Sasenami Jr: hag? She doesn't look like a hag...she looks really young and developed well...I'd say she looks like she's in her 20's not her 2000's

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