Part 2

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*in the morning*

Catrina: *yawn*'s time to get up

Jashin Uchiha: huh what? *gets up and yawns* ok

Catrina: I wonder if dad made breakfast again *heads down stairs

Noragaki: *already had breakfast ready and it was on the table as he starts there eating and reading the papers*

Sasenami Jr: *is sitting down eating after helping Noragaki* we did a great job uncle Nora...this tastes great

Noragaki: yup very good indeed

Catrina: good morning dad *sits at the table and starts eating*

Jashin Uchiha: good morning *sits down and eats as well* it's rare to see both of you up at the same time this early in the morning

Noragaki: ohh don't worry about it

*the doorbell rings*

Sasenami Jr: hm? Who's that? I got it *gets up and opens the door* hello?

Naruto: hey Junior

Sasenami Jr: L- L- Lord Seventh...wh- wh- what are you doing h- here?

Naruto: I'm walking with you guys to your academy with Nora

Sasenami Jr: but...I don't have school today so...I'll be staying here......

Naruto: that's what you think get ready *walks in* hey Nora

Noragaki: hey naruto how have you been I assume fine

Naruto: yup I've been doing good but all this paperwork and hokage privilege along with it is not my style

Sasenami Jr: but-...Lord seventh...I brought this upon's only natural I take the punishment...especially after beating them to a bloody pulp

Kurama: *his head appears* the hokage has come to sort the deal out for them only suspending so be grateful

Sasenami Jr: So this is...the Kyuubi I've heard about so much...well thanks Lord Seventh and much as I would like to go with you I have other things to attend me *walks outside*

Kakashi: *stands by the door and grabs his collar* not an option kid

Sasenami Jr: why...let me go...I just....wanna see "him" before I go on about my day *a tear falls from his eye*

Kakashi: where do you think we were gonna go before we take you to the academy you big baby

Naruto: come on Kakashi be nice

Sasenami Jr: h- huh? But why...I thought this whole village hates him...why are you coming with me to visit his grave?

Kakashi: because unlike everyone else we don't hate him and we understood why he did what he did and we hold no grudges especially with someone who saved the village

Noragaki: *walks out* see I told you not everyone hates him

Sasenami guys...are the best *smiles as another tear falls*

Konan: I'm gonna go as well before I leave to do business in the hidden rain...if the Hokage doesn't mind

Naruto: that's fine Konan

Noragaki: alright everybody put your hands on me

Sasenami Jr: ok *puts his hand on his shoulder*

*everyone else does the same except for Konan*

Konan: let's see whose paper or your teleportation...I'm taking the head start though *turns into paper and starts flying away towards the cemetery*

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