Part 5

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Sasenami: *is holding Sasenami Jr then stands up* hey's been a while hasn't it? *smiles*

Noragaki: what but how how are you here?

Sasenami: it's alot to explain how...but I've been watching...before we continue talking I have something to do if you'll excuse me for a bit

Noragaki: uhhhh y-yeah

Sasenami: *activates Mangekyo sharingan and walks up to the kids* I've seen everything and heard everything that was said to my use Yuko to try to kill him...I sensed it and had Sasenami move to protect himself...our chakra is linked so it also boosted his sense to move and attack

Kid 2: how did-

Sasenami: I'm smart than i look...all three of you...apologize to Junior or I will put a curse on you and you're whole family


Sasenami: now run...or I'll have to handle you myself

All 3 kids: AHHH *runs away*

Sasenami Jr: woah're so cool

Sasenami: not really...that's all have things been with the Anbu and your promotion?

Noragaki: yeah I've been promoted and things have been fine

Sasenami: that's good...let's your house...there's someone I must see before I go

Noragaki: Konan?

Sasenami: yeah and plus I want to see my Niece and are they doing? Jashin and Catrina?

Noragaki: okay yeah let's go anbu go back to station

Anbu: yes sir

Sasenami: hop on back...this will be the one and only time we can do something father and son like together while I'm in my physical but not physical chakra form

Sasenami Jr: really *smiles*

Sasenami: yes

Sasenami Jr: alriiiight *hops on Sasenami's back*

Sasenami: well...I'm stopping by the house soon Nora?

Noragaki: yeah let's go so we can hurry up

Sasenami: alright...make it fast...I'll fade in a couple of minutes

Sasenami: alright...make it fast...I'll fade in a couple of minutes

Noragaki: okay let's go

*all of the Anbu follow Noragaki*

Sasenami: I have so much people to thank...but I can thank them later...your mother takes priority first...let's go Junior

Sasenami Jr: alright

*they make it to Noragaki's house*

Sasenami: Tadaima

Konan: this can't be *comes downstairs quickly* Sasenami?!?! *tears fall from her face* I can't believe're here

Sasenami: yeah...thanks to the formula I had you pass onto Junior a little bit before he was born...he was about to go on a rage and destroy the village

Konan: Junior? But why

Sasenami: he can tell you all about it...but I'm glad you're safe...both of you *hugs Konan while Sasenami Jr is on his back*

Konan: I'm glad you didn't forget about me *smiles*

Sasenami: there's no way in hell I are the love of my life

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