Part 18

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Noragaki: *he's sitting up telling Naruto what happened*

Erina: NORAAA *jumps on Noragaki and kisses him* I'm glad you're ok

Noragaki: ow ow ow but I'm glad too love

Erina: what happened? Did you stop Oroshiki once and for all?

Noragaki: no Oroshiki and Catrina made a deal so he will stay in her and cause no harm but we got Urashiki

Erina: what?...are you ok with Oroshiki remaining in her? I thought you hated him

Noragaki: yeah well he did help us out

Erina: I see...well I'm glad everyone is safe

Konan: yea what she said *has been in the room for the past couple of minutes*

Erina: oh Konan...hey *is blushing*

Konan: hey

Naruto: thank you for telling me this I can fill out a report on this

Noragaki: yeah no problem Naruto

Catrina: *rushes to the room* dad dad...look at this *shows him a note* it's from Sasenami....and I don't see him anywhere......he...really left the village *tears fall*

Noragaki: god if that boy joins a terrorist group like Sas I swear *gets up*

Catrina: it says "don't follow me...I am leaving the village for your own good. I have the karma and I am the vessel of Urashiki. Urashiki hates Oroshiki so I know no matter what Catrina and I can't coexist as vessels. I am going on a journey to control this power. If I can't and Urashiki takes over, please kill me. It's for everyone's good. Love you all"

Konan: dammit Junior *balls up fist* please come back safely

Noragaki: lord have mercy on my soul Sasenami looks like you have to protect your son

Sasenami: *in the spirit world* i know Noragaki I know

*back to the actual world*

Catrina: *cries* what am I going to do dad...I don't wanna be separated from Sasenami

Noragaki: hey don't cry I'm sure he'll be back one day Catrina

Catrina: will we know for sure? *is still crying*...he...didn't even get to say goodbye to me face to face...all Oroshiki said to me is that he kissed my forehead before leaving

Noragaki: I'm sure he'll send notes for us okay *gets up and hugs her* there's nothing to be sad about he'll always be here in the family

Catrina: ok

*in an ancient place*

Sasenami Jr: *puts on his dads Akatsuki robe that he found in a box in the hidden rain where his mom works*'s about time I send a message then find out more about this Karma thing so I will be able to come back home safely...Catrina is probably crying right now...don't worry...I'll be back


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