Part 14

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Jashin Uchiha: teleport us out of the house so we have more this rate he has the upper hand

Noragaki: *does hand signs and teleports all of them out of the house*

Catrina (Oroshiki): hm? Not that I have this body...*does hand signs* FIRE STYLE: STAR FLAME JUTSU *launches it towards Noragaki*

Noragaki: *does hand signs* CANCELLATION JUTSU: FULL CANCEL *the flames vanish* so how do we fight him in Catrina's body?

Sasenami Jr: I don't know...but can you buy me some time...I want to use this shadow style jutsu to seal him...

Noragaki: yeah I can sorry Catrina *jumps at her as he starts punching*

Catrina (Oroshiki): oh that's right...I forgot that's the name of this girl *blocks all of the punches* is that the best you can do Senken-sei brat?

Noragaki: nope *uses shadow style as he punches him in the face*

Catrina (Oroshiki): *gets sent flying a bit* hmm

Sasenami Jr: SHADOW STYLE: DARK ABYSS SEALING JUTSU *surrounds Oroshiki with the shadow style and he starts sinking*

Catrina (Oroshiki): AUUUGHH I'M...BEING SEALED AWAY...

Sasenami Jr: yes I got him

Catrina (Oroshiki): or not *appears behind Junior and kicks him then teleports behind Noragaki and kicks him* with this new body shadow style doesn't effect me as much

Noragaki: owww damnit what do we do then Junior?

Sasenami Jr: leave Catrina to me...I might have to hurt her but at least I can heal her...just be on-

???: *is in the air* my my my look at what we have here

Catrina (Oroshiki): he’s here finally

???: *lands* sorry for the took a while for the Otsutsukification process to kick in so I couldn’t help you partner

Catrina (Oroshiki): it’s fine...but since you took so long I got killed but I was able to find a vessel

???: I see...what an interesting group *appears behind Noragaki* especially this one...he seems to have an interesting past

Catrina (Oroshiki): yeah...I killed his brother but then he took his eyes and awoken the Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan and now that I have the perfect vessel right now I could beat his past self and his present self...Urashiki

Urashiki: I can tell because I can read all their futures

Sasenami Jr: d- did he say Urashiki?!?! It’s too early...why's he here...dammit Uncle deal with Urashiki while I deal with Oroshiki...I’ll find a weakness and save her

Noragaki: *dodges a couple steps back and activates his eternal mangekyo sharingan* I got Urashiki is it...just know I'm going to beat you one way or another

Urashiki: the Senken-sei...evolved huh?...let’s see how your foresight does against me...I can read the future and I can see your future *blue rinnegan shows and then he throws a kick at Noragaki’s gut*

Noragaki: ohh then this will be a fun battle *dodges as he throws a kick at his head*

Urashiki: *dodges* not gonna work on me *creates a fishing rod* you have interesting chakra which I’ll now rob you off *swings the rod at Noragaki full speed*

Noragaki: yeah whatever *blocks the rod with his sword as he unsheathes it and slashes at Urashiki*

Urashiki: *dodges it* you know it’s not gonna work on me...I wanna save you for last so I’m gonna take up on the kids...Planetary devastation *it and uses Noragaki as the core and all the rocks start to fly in his direction*

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