xii. can't look inside my pain

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❝ ― August slipped away
into a moment in time
'cause it was never mine. ❞

AS SUMMER EXTENDED its arms around Stoneybrooke for one final goodbye, I said a few farewells of my own

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AS SUMMER EXTENDED its arms around Stoneybrooke for one final goodbye, I said a few farewells of my own. The most prominent figure who I had to bid my farewells to being Jonah, who had returned home after our unfortunate breakup. We had decided it was for the best, after all we both couldn't see our relationship continuing due to our current living arrangements.

I had decided attend a small pool party the Brewers were throwing, according to Kristy it was just her brothers, Olivia (Charlie's girlfriend) and one of her friends. I hadn't really saw much of Sam during the summer, I had heard from Kristy that he was seeing this girl over the summer but it hadn't really worked out. School was starting in a week or two so I had to get a finally taste summer before I was swamped with the endless amount of homework. Hence why I was stood at Kirsty's front door, hoping that whatever encounter I had with Sam wouldn't turn out awkward.

"Hi Kris." I greeted after she had opened her front door, just before her immediately pulling me into a hug. I stiffened at the unfamiliar contact, we hadn't really seen much of each other either, mostly due to Jonah.

"Y/N! I'm so glad you're here! I don't think I could survive any longer here alone with them." Her nose scrunched up in disgust while saying the last word. I didn't think living with the Brewers would be that bad. "Teenager boys are the worst."

Oh. She wasn't talking about the Brewers.

"Come out to the pool." She lightly grabbed my arm and ushered me over to pool. It seemed quite serene actually. The water was glistening as the Suns harsh rays reflected against it, the large shrubs of greenery were groomed to perfection and the extravagant wild flowers which surrounded them that been domesticated to match the overall vibe of house. That being perfectly tamed.

All thought on the overall beauty of the Brewers garden quickly left my mind when Kristy yelled a quick 'duck' . Before I had a chance to react a figure stepped in front of me, catching the football which had been seconds away from knocking off my head. I looked over to see Sam, who had been stood incredibly close to my. He looked over and gave me a smile, one which I had quickly returned, before we both stared at the ground, not daring to make eye contact. Yep, not awkward at all.

Unfortunately for Sam, he too had been too distracted to notice that a ball had been thrown in his direction and he wasn't that lucky. Sam clutched his head, groaning in pain as Charlie laughed and pointed, a menacing grin spread across his face. Sam then turned over and looked at me, I was about to say something when he called out.

"Hey, Stacey." He greeted, and it was now that I had realised Stacey McGill was talking to Kristy, Well she had been before loudly calling out Sam's name before pulling him into a hug.

I mumbled a 'thank you' to Sam before hurriedly manoeuvring around them and over to Kristy.

"So apparently Stacey text boys now." Kristy announced, did I forget to mention Kristy's small crush on Stacey? I didn't know exactly when it had started but her crush on Stacey was absolutely adorable.

Kristy's behaviour suddenly shifted from jealous to confused when a girl I didn't recognise walked over.

"Whose that?" I question, my facial expressions now matching hers.

"I have no idea."

"I'm going to head inside, David Michael finished making his cupcakes and I think he's ready to frost them." I quickly walked over back into the house and made my way over to the kitchen. David. Michael had finished messily frosting his cakes and him and Karen were eating them were eating them while watching 'The Adams Family.'

I sat myself around the table and practically collapsed on the chair. David Michael, who had noticed my presence, quickly loved over to me and handed me a cupcake before scurrying off as quickly as he came. I took a few bites out of the cupcake, finishing it and putting the cupcake liner in the bin.

My head was lowered as I stared harshly at the table in front of me, almost as if it had caused me months of anguish rather than Sam. I was passed that now, right? I was too in my own head to notice Kristy had walked in.

"You okay?" She said leaning closer to me as if she was searching for something.

"I'm fine." I assured, my gaze now drifting over to the envelope in her hand, "What's that?"

"This girl Amanda showed up and handed it to me, she said she wanted me to give it to my mom." Kristy scoffed, sitting down on the chair opposite from me.

"Well, are you going to give it to her?" I pressed, Kristy didn't take too kindly to snobs, and we'll that's what I assumed this Amanda girl was from how Kristy's tone sounded.

"Maybe." Kristy shrugged, running her fingers through her thick brown hair. "Anyways, how are you and Jonah?"

Oh, did I forget to mention I hadn't told Kristy about Jonah? Oops... Well you see she was kind of excited when we got together so I decided not to tell her when we broke up. I mean Kristy can over react sometimes.

I knew it wasn't right to lie so I decided to come clean and from then on I knew that the last two weeks of summer wouldn't fly by very quickly.

𝐇𝐀𝐔𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐃, sam thomasWhere stories live. Discover now