x. she's got you mesmerised

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❝ ―The truth is that
sometimes the pain
will always be there, and
eventually you'll
have to learn how to live
with holes in your heart. ❞

I laid on my bed, my laptop perched on top of my lap

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I laid on my bed, my laptop perched on top of my lap. I was binge watching That 70s show, when suddenly my phone chimed signalling that I had received a message. Kristy.


Are you going to be at the wedding today?

In all honesty, I wasn't planning on going. I had been invited as Sam's date, nothing more, but Kristy had been droning on about it for months, so I thought I'd just cave in and go.


Would it be alright with Sam?


Well actually, Sam needed a date and Charlie had Olivia. So I kind of said you'd go as his date...


Kristy are you insane!


I'm sorry, it's just that I miss the two of you together.


It's fine... What did he say?


He's fine with it.

I froze, could this truly be the end to all of my suffering. Could the pain and suffering from the last few months end tonight? My lips curled up into a smile, today was the night. The night Sam and I get back together.


I'm on my way.

I propped open my closet door and desperately scavenged for the lengthy alabaster dress which was supposed to wear to prom. I pulled out the Greek style dress and put it on, I couldn't quite manage to get the zipper on.

"Mom!" I called, she advanced through my bedroom door.

"Why are you all dressed up?" She walked over to the mirror, where I stood smoothing down my dress.

"I'm going to a wedding."

"Where'd you find this guy?" She raised her eyebrow, she knew me too well.

I shrugged, "Some people fall in love with the wrong people sometimes."

"Some mistakes get made, that's alright, that's okay. You can think that you're in love when you're really just in pain." (Yes I just quoted Ashe, it sounded better in my head.)

She wrapped her arms me loosely.

"How do I look?" I asked as I turned around and faced her.


I exhaled as I turned and faced the building, there in front of the entrance stood Sam... With Stacey. Their arms were coiled around each other, eyes staring longingly at one another. They looked great together and that's what hurt the most.

𝐇𝐀𝐔𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐃, sam thomasWhere stories live. Discover now