xi. when you look at me like that

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❝ ― The way they leave,
tells you everything. ❞

"Oh," The words fell from my lips like a sigh

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"Oh," The words fell from my lips like a sigh.

Stacey and Sam turned towards me, their eyes full of guilt. I didn't need pity, especially theirs. Tears pricked my eyes, I ran. Ran as far as I could, the souls of my feet ached and begged for me to stop but I carried on. I had ran an entire block by the time I stopped, the cold air caused the tears to fall from my eyes. However, my vison was still cloudy and the emotions hit me harder like a relapse. The footsteps which had trailed behind me stopped but I didn't turn and face its source.

"I'm sorry." I didn't even have to turn around to know that the voice belonged to Sam.

Before I had the chance to run away again, Sam clasped my forearm and turned me to face him. His eyes were fixated on me as if he was taking in my presence.

"You look-"

"Don't look at me like that."

"Like what?"

"Like we're in love, because I don't love you Sam." My voice was uneasy, he could tell I was lying.

We used to be warm, now we're just an ice storm, slowly freezing up my heart. We used to be warm, now we're just an ice storm, slowly freezing up my heart.

He pulled me by me forearm and placed his lips on mine. It truly felt like we were the only two people in the world, that the Earth stood still just for us. For a moment it was as if we had never broken up, the panic attacks and rising chest pains became a distant memory. That was until I caught grasp of reality and pulled away.

"I don't love you."

The words themselves didn't mean anything to Sam, it was the look in your eyes which caused him to be doubtful because despite the brave face he put on in front of you he was suffering too. The glances which were too short to be a conversation and too long too long to be just a simple hello were the words I love you. What truly sent Sam over the edge was the broken look you gave him every time you left a room, every look, smile and glance led back to him.

"Please don't do this." The exact words he had said the day we broke up. His voice cracked slightly, a soft sob made it's way towards his throat but it was already I had walked away.

I put one foot in front of the other. Slowly, I turn every corner, turn every corner. Even when your nowhere in the room, I'm haunted by you. I light all my candles, light all my candles. The darkness, is too hard to handle, too hard to handle. Sleeping is just something I can't do, I'm haunted by you.

𝐇𝐀𝐔𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐃, sam thomasWhere stories live. Discover now