xiii. all the nights i can't forget

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KRISTY WAS SICK. The club was trying their best to manage without her but after what Mary-Anne told me over the phone, it was clear that the club was falling apart without Kristy there. Dawn was trying her best to lead the club but it was no use.

I decided to check up on Kristy to make sure she was okay. I knocked on her bedroom door, Charlie had let me and it seemed like he gave me an odd look when he did.

"Come in." Kristy called from inside, her throat raspy and clearly sore. At her words I walked through the door with a bowl of soup in hand.

"Y/N!" She exclaimed, her words were shrill and she immediately clutched her throat.

"Rest your voice Kris, you'll need it for when you get back to meetings." I assured, handing her over the bowl. She took a few spoonfuls before she began to talk again.

"This is really good." She mumbled.

"Kristy." I scolded, she wasn't supposed to talk.

"Sorry." She apologised before her eyes turned wide eyed.

I sighed, "Do you need anything?"

She made a glass motion with her hand to signal for water. I walked out of her bedroom and towards the kitchen. That's when I noticed that none other than Sam Thomas was sat at the kitchen table. I tried to keep my head down but at soon as the water began to gust from the tap and into the glass, his attention was turned to me.

"Oh, hey." He greeted, giving me a small smile.

"Hi." I gave him a nod of acknowledgment, I think talking with him had began to feel a lot less awkward.

"Have you watched the new Spider-Man movie?" Sam questioned, his comment took me a little off guard but I answered regardless.

"Oh, yeah. By far one of the best movies I've ever watched." I answered, "You know, I heard Emma Stone was supposed to be in it."

"Really? That would have been awesome, they also could have brought back Robert Downey Junior to play Iron Man." Sam carried on, "I've been meaning to watch it again, we should go together sometime."

I froze. Was this an invitation to go out on a date with him?

"I mean you can bring Jonah too." Oh. It wasn't a date. Was I disappointed? No, I couldn't possibly be.

"Jonah and I aren't seeing each other." I responded, and to my surprise Sam's demeanour change. He looked as if he were trying to suppress a smile.

"Well I'm sorry to hear that, so would you be down to see a movie?" A not a date with my ex boyfriend? It seemed like a hard pass. But the hopeful look on his face had me reconsider.

"I'll think about it." I gave him a tight lipped smile before picking up the glass full of room temperature water.

I walked into to Kristy's room, she was in her computer typing away.

"Kris, you're supposed to be resting." I scolded, taking away her computer.

"Well it's not my fault you were taking so long." She rolled her eyes. "What did took you so long?"

"I was talking to Sam." I stated casually, but as soon I saw a suggestive grin make its way to her face, I began to regret saying anything.

"What were you taking about?" She raised her brows, her provoking smirk still present.

"Just homework." I lied, I didn't want to get her hopes up.

"Oh." Her smile almost instantly dropped.

I sighed, "Now you're supposed to be resting Kristy, I've got to get home. I do not want to catch strep throat from you."

"Then why did you come here in the first place? To see Sam?" Her questions were fast and piercing as if she was cutting into me like a piece of meet. Her interrogating personality was something I was used to though, so it didn't bother me all that much.

"To give you soup dummy, now rest." I encouraged, but she was still sat up on the end of her bed, her computer still in hand.

"You sound like my mom." She mumbled, her voice raspy and full of misery.

"Well, your mom did get married to a rich guy Kristy."

She scoffed, "She's married to a Brewer." Her voice was full of disgust as she doubled over as though she was going to wretch. I thought all was well at the Brewer house hold but I guess I was wrong.

I rolled my eyes, "It's the same thing Kristy."

"So if your like my mom you'll get married to a Brewer, and since we're technically Brewers-" Kristy was being extra pushy today, perhaps her illness had finally caused some alien parasite to take over her mind. No, that wasn't it. Talking to Sam must have unlocked some repressed memories of all the times we watched Alien movies together.

I exhaled sharply, "Kristy, I'm not going to marry your brother." I informed her but it was no use. She was too set in her ways.

"Not yet."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 17, 2022 ⏰

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