vii. i think we could do it if we tried

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❝ ― Your like a
never ending puzzle,
no one can figure you
out and I feel stupid for
taking on your
challenge. ❞

Me and Jonah has gone pretty close these past few weeks, I didn't like the idea of opening up to someone at first, but so far things were going fine

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Me and Jonah has gone pretty close these past few weeks, I didn't like the idea of opening up to someone at first, but so far things were going fine. However, today wasn't about Jonah, it was about me and Kristy. We were having a sleepover, of course we had, had sleepovers before but not after the breakup.

We were watching a movie in her living room, there were boxes everywhere and the couch was already gone so we brought down sleeping bags and slot of pillows and blankets.

"So what should we talk about?" I asked her.

"I don't know, we don't really talk on sleepovers." She mumbled, I had no idea what she meant by that.

"What do you mean Kristy, we always talk." I laughed.

"No, it's just that usually when we have sleepovers you spend the night with Sam." She lowered her head.

I sighed, "Okay, I've been a bad friend. I can make it up to you."

"What are we going to do?" She asked, a mischievous smile playing in her lips.

The front door opened and in walked Watson Brewer.

"Hi girls." He greeted with a small wave.

Kristy frowned.

"Mr Brewer, we were wondering if you could take us to the store." I asked him.

"Well it's a little late to go to the store, don't you think?"

"Well we were planning on having a movie night and you can't have a movie night without popcorn."

"I suppose not, okay then let's go to the store." Watson announced, Kristy groaned.

I nudged her.

"Fine, let's go." We walked to the car, shivering as we were still in our pyjamas.

Slowly we got into the car and put on our seatbelts. I didn't remember much of the journey there, it was a blur.

The store didn't have much people in it so me and Kristy could pay without having to worry about waiting in a line. I was currently pushing Kristy who was in the cart. She grazed her hand over the candy isle, knocking everything she could in. I parked the cart and took a few of the things we didn't like out of the pile.

"Y/N!" Kristy yelped as the cart drifted away. She reached out her hand for me to grab.

The cart slammed into the isle causing Kristy to jump slightly.

We both giggled, "I think we should go and pay now."

Once we were done getting our food loaded into the car, we began to discuss the movie that we were going to watch.

"How about, It?" Kristy was obsessed with horror movies and really wanted to rewatch it chapter one.

"Sure." I agreed.

We propped her front door open and walked towards the living room. Charlie, Sam and David-Michael were sat on the ground playing on the Xbox.

"Give it here, I want a go." Complained David- Michael.

"Sorry buddy but it's our turn to go on the Tv." Kristy told him, grabbing the controller from Charlie's hand.

"Hey, I was playing that." He complained.

Sam cheered, he had finally got a clear shot. Charlie snatched the controller out of Kristy's hand, he killed Sam's character and laughed when he pulled a sour face.

"Whatever, do you want to watch a movie?" He turned towards me, expecting an answer. My confusion triggered something inside him and he looked at me embarrassed.

It's like your always creeping on the walls and in my feelings.

"I forgot, I can't do that anymore." He finished, usually what we would do is cuddle up on his bed and watch Netflix until we fell asleep but obviously due to certain circumstances we couldn't do that anymore.

All those stories about ghosts are really true?

"I mean we could, it would just be weird." I pointed out.

Kristy had switched off the Xbox and turned the movie on.

I put one foot, in front of the other. In front of the other. Slowly, I turn every corner. I turn every corner. Even when your nowhere in the room, I'm haunted by you.

I walked towards Kristy's room, ready to go to sleep. It seamed so unfamiliar to sleep in her room. I gazed over towards Sam's room, I knocked on his door.

"Yes?" He called from inside.

I carefully opened his door, his facial expression changed. I couldn't determine if it was for a good reason or a bad.

"Goodnight." I smiled at him.

"Goodnight." He returned my smile.

I light all the candles, the darkness is too hard to handle. Sleeping is just something I can't do, I'm haunted by you.

𝐇𝐀𝐔𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐃, sam thomasWhere stories live. Discover now