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❝ ― When you fall, do it gloriously

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❝ ― When you fall, do it
gloriously. Collapse like
a glass building, sink
like a gigantic ship
and when your done
sinking and collapsing.
Build yourself with your
own wreckage. ❞

❝ ― You were the reason I started to love life,
Finally wanting to be alive and smile.
Not wanting to die.
But you left.
And I...
Went back to  the same old me,
To the moment before.
You pulled me back from the darkness,
Wanting to  die again.
Hating life  again.
Hating myself.
Broken... ❞

𝐇𝐀𝐔𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐃, sam thomasWhere stories live. Discover now