~Halloween Special~

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This is from Gojo-chan's past!

-3rd POV-

(Y/n) was on her way to the park, wearing a vampire costume, where she meets her friend whenever she goes. But before that, she had stopped by a sweet shop in order to get some sweets.

"Obaa-san! Give me the best sweets you have!" The young girl said, happily.

The older woman smiled and nodded, "Sweet tooth as always, (Y/n). I'll give you a Halloween themed one for free." She said.

The girl's aura sparkled, "Wah! You're the best, Obaa-san! I'll share it with my friend!"

"Oh? Is it Midoriya? Or Bakugo?"

"Nope! He's a new friend I made! He's pretty cool!"

The older lady gave her the bag, once the white haired girl paid, "I hope your new friend likes the sweets then."

"Of course he will! Or else I'm beating him!" (Y/n) said, before waving "Bye-bye Obaa-san!" Then left.


As she got to the park, she saw her friend sitting on the swing.

"Touya-chan!" She exclaimed, running up to the male.

Touya looked up startled, before relaxing, seeing who it was, "(Y/n)-chan..." He said, smiling a bit.

"Touya-chan! Guess what? I got a sweet for you!" She said, grabbing the sweet treat and handing it to him, "I hope you like it!" She smiled.

The male looked at her, then at the treat in her hand. The small cookie was in the shape of a pumpkin, and he took a bite of it. He smiled at the sweetness, "It's good."

"I'm glad! You can have it! I have more with me." The white haired girl said, but soon realized something, Why aren't you dressed up?!"

"Ah...well..." He muttered, looking away from the girl, trying to hide his bandaged limbs.

The girl frowned, "Stupid Trash-san! I'll beat him up for you!"

"You don't have to!" Touya said, holding her back, making her pout.

"Fine. But we have to go trick or treating! We have to get lots of candy!" (Y/n) said, "But you're not dressed..." She then let out a gasp, "You'll be mummy! Good thinking me! Thanks me!"

The red haired boy stared at the girl and smiled, "Come on, or else the good candy will be gone." He said, grabbing her hand.

"Ah! You're right! Let's go, Touya-chan!"


The two got back to the park and sat under a tree. They looked through their bag of candy.

Touya looked at the girl, "Do you want this one?" He said, handing her a chocolate he didn't like.

"Sure!" (Y/n) said, smiling grabbing the candy, "In exchange...you have this one." She said, handing one that he liked, which made him smile.

"Thanks, (Y/n)-chan." He said, smiling, before his eyes widen.

Standing behind the girl was Endeavor, who was looking down at the two angrily.

"Touya. What are you doing here? You should be home training."

The girl turned around and grinned, not faced by the glare, "Trash-san! Glad to see you! How have you been? I see you dressed up as trash again this year! Very unique of you." She said.

The boy next to her was scared that something might happen to her.

The hero looked at the girl, before looking at his son, about to go and grab him, but his movements were paused by an invisible force, "The hell?" He mumbled.

"Did you forget about my invisible barrier? I can extended it however much I want. You really are dumb, Trash-san!" The girl stated.

Endeavor scowled, looking at her, "Get rid of it. I need him to practice on his quirk."

"And I say no. Touya-chan deserves a break. Plus, look how you're treating him! He has burns all over him! Does beating All Might all you care about? Touya is your son. Even my brother is a better person at taking care of me than you are. Tch." She said, getting up and grabbing Touya's hand, "Let's go, Touya." Then they both disappeared, leaving the older male to think about his decisions.


The two appeared on top of a building.

"Th-Thanks (Y/n)-chan..." Touya said, looking down as he gripped the girl's hand, "Though, it would've been fine."

"Of course not! You're special to me Touya-chan! So I will protect you at all cost!" She said, turning to him with a smile.

The red haired boy blushed slightly and pulled her into a hug, "And I want to protect you too, but I know you won't need it since you're already strong." He said.

"I won't, but if you want to try, then you can."

He pulled back, holding the girl by her shoulders "Then I promise to protect you forever!" He exclaimed, blushing as red as his hair.

(Y/n) took off her blindfold and looked at him, smiling, "And I promise to protect you as well!"


Since then, she barely saw him, until she found out he passed.

"You promised..." She mumbled, looking at the ground with a blank stare.

Her older brother, who was by her, looked down at her sadly, "(N/n)...if there is a thing that I learned, is that...not everyone keeps their promise. You are bound to lose people around you." Satoru said.

The girl looked at him with tears streaming down her face, "Does that mean I'll lose you and everyone else?"

He crouched down and hugged her, "Not everyone in this world is strong enough to defeat something stronger than them. Why do you think, I trained my damn hardest? It was to protect you. You're my little sister, and I will do my damn best to keep you out of harms way even if it costs me my last breath."

The white haired girl's lips trembled, before she let out a sob, "Sa-nii! D-Don't say that! I w-want you to live f-forever!"

From around the corner of a building, a kid was looking at them with a sad stare.

"I'm sorry...(Y/n)-chan." He said, before leaving.

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