S3, E13

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I didn't think I would get sick for like 3 days. I was so excited to make a valentines special, but I guess it didn't happen since obviously I got sick. But I'm healthy and can move now, which means I can write again! So, hello again, hopefully I don't get a bad stomach ache that puts me out of commission for 3 days.

-3rd POV-

(Y/n) stared up at the clear sky, an expressionless face, just like Muichiro from Demon Slayer. The wind gently swaying her long white hair.

Satoru, who was a few feet away, stared at his sister, 'She hasn't moved for a while...' He thought, before walking up, gently hitting her forehead, making her flinch a bit, "Hey, I called out to you a bit ago but you didn't respond. Yaga had called for a meeting, but I told him to let you off the hook since you're basically still healing." He said.

The girl blinked at him, before pulling up her legs up to her chest, hugging them, "I've been thinking a lot..."

"Hm? Like what?"

She was quiet for a bit, before mumbling loud enough for him to hear, "Am I doing good? I don't feel like I'm being a good hero...I'm always failing at everything...I may have a strong quirk, but—" She was cut off.

"(Y/n), it doesn't matter if you have a strong quirk or not. What matters is how you use it. Either be good or bad, there will always be a way to save someone." He wrapped an arm around her, pulling her towards him, "You're going to be the best hero out there. No matter what, I'll be cheering for you in the sidelines, even after I long retire in the future."

"Touya may have chosen the bad path, but I'm sure he still cares for you. It may have not showed during the attack, but I know he does. You two were inseparable after all. But if you don't feel like U.A. isn't for you...you can always drop out and stay with us at Jujutsu High."

The girl shook her head, "I wanna stay at U.A.. It's fun there, not that Jujustu isn't fun either, but I get to be with people that don't expect me to just run around to boast about my powerful quirk or use me like the higher-ups." She said.

He smiled softly, "Well, you also have Izuku, Katsuki and your uncles there with you. I'm sure they wouldn't mind being bothered by you." He chuckled.

"Yeah, I guess so." She smiled, before looking at the male, "By the way, while I was taken, what did you do?"

"Well, we were in the middle of the exchange event, but we postponed it. And then when we, the heroes, were gathered, I annoyed Endeavor for you, since it is your job after all."

(Y/n) smiled, before laughing, "How fun. You annoying Trash-san for me."

"Of course! I have to keep the job going. There is no limit to it." He grinned, before ruffling her hair, making her let out a noise of protest, "Now, come on. We have to get your things packed." He said, getting up.

The girl sighed softly, "Fine..." She muttered, getting up while fixing her hair, following after her older brother.


On the grounds of U.A., about a five-minute walk from the school, a student dorm built in three days: Heights Alliance. This is my—no, our—new home.

Everyone stood in front of the dorms, some excited while others didn't show emotion.


'The dorm system we've put in place isn't just to ensure the students' safety. It is also to determine the threat we have still not taken care of—the leak. In order to overcome the unease that has been in the air for a long time, we will avoid doing a public investigation and search behind-the-scenes. It pains me to suspect not just the teachers, but also the students, but in the position I'm in, I have no choice.'

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