S1, E2

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The hero laughed as he had injured people on him and carrying some in his arms.

Midoriya's eyes were shining brightly.

The blond hero then got on top of the bus, "It's fine now. Why?"

The kid couldn't help but smile widely at his favorite hero.

"Because I am here." The hero said grinning widely.

The green haired put his arm up, "He's so cool! Once I get my quirk, I wanna be like him, too!" Then let out a laugh imitating the hero.


"You should probably give it up." The doctor said, making the green haired boy freeze in shock, dropping his figuring.

-3rd POV-

'Even if that was true...'

"You're below the rejects! You're quirkless! How can you even stand in the same ring as me? What the hell can you do?" Bakugo's voice ran in his head.

'Even if that's what everyone thinks...'

"I'm sorry, Izuku! I'm sorry. I'm sorry!"

'No, that's not it. That's not it, mom.'

"Don't listen to that pomeranian, Izuku-chan! You will be an amazing hero! With or without a quirk!"

'Thanks (Y/n)-chan. I...Even so, I...'

He then looked up at the hero that was walking away. "Even if I don't have a quirk can I become a hero?" He said as the blond male paused in his steps, "Can even someone without a quirk be like you?" He finished and closed his eyes with a blush on his cheeks anticipating the hero's answer.

"Without a quirk...?" All Might said, before he felt a sharp sensation, making him hunch over as smoke appeared around his body. "Oh no, holy shit, goddammit..." He said to himself.

"It might've been because I don't have a quirk, but I'm always made fun of...Maybe that's why...I don't know...But I think saving people is super cool. Saving people with a fearless smile. I want to be the greatest hero, like you...!" Midoriya said, looking up at the hero, only to be met with a skinny blond male as the smoke cleared up. After staring for a few seconds, he screamed.


Tatooin Shopping District


From an alleyway, a certain villain in a soda bottle woke up.

"Wh-Where am I...? What happened...?"

"Texas Smash!"

"Oh yeah...That bastard...If it weren't for that bastard..." The villain said.

"Hey, Katsuki, aren't you and Midoriya childhood friends?" The black haired male said.

"You went a little overboard today." The other male said as the blond male slightly looked back at them.

"It's his fault for getting in my way, and he's lucky that blind bitch wasn't there to protect him." Bakugo said, kicking the bottle that had the villain in, letting the cap fly off.

"Don't let it get to you."

"It's just that it's been my goal ever since I was little. And well...I won't know unless I try..." 

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