S2, E17

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Season 2 coming to a close soon. Oof.

-3rd POV-

"From the news chopper to the studio—I'm reporting live from the skies of Hosu City! I'm reporting on a different story, but look at this! There is fire and smoke rising from different locations on the streets. Are these from accidents, or from rioting villains? We are not getting any information about any of this. I will report as soon as I know the situation!" The female reporter said, looking back at the camera.

"Okay, cut!" The cameraman said, putting down the camera. 

The female looked back out, "Keep shooting." She said, looking at a specific area, making the male turn on the camera, "I wonder what that is...?"


She pointed, "Over there. By the water tank on top of the highest building. Can you get it?"

The male pointed in that direction, and zoomed in, "There are people! Two of them!"

"Curious onlookers? In a place like that?"


Shigaraki looked through the binoculars as he watched his Nomus being exorcised, and scratched his neck. He put the device down and destroyed them with his quirk, "Let's go back." He said.

"Were you satisfied with the results, Shigaraki Tomura?" Kurogiri said, opening a portal to head back.

"Idiot. That depends on tomorrow." He said, before they were enveloped and disappeared.

Hosu General Hospital

"Were you able to sleep, Midoriya?" Todoroki asked the male.

"No, not really." Midoriya looked at the bed, where (Y/n) was sleeping.

"I didn't think so."

"Me neither."

"Thinking about it now, we did something amazing huh?"


"Seeing an ending like that really makes you feel like it's a miracle we're alive." The green haired male looked down at his bandaged leg, "With my leg like this, he probably could've killed us if he'd wanted to."

The dual haired male looked at his bandaged arm, "Yeah, We were obviously left alive on purpose. You're amazing to have been able to face him after all the murderous intent directed at you." He said, turning to Iida.

"No, that's not it. I..."

The door suddenly opened, revealing Manual, Torino and Satoru.

"Oh, are you wounded kids awake?" The older male said.

"Gran Torino! Gojo Satoru!" Midoriya exclaimed.

"Manual..." The blue haired male said.

The sorcerer male jumped on top of the sleeping girl, making the others shocked, "(N/n)!! Big brother has come to visit again! I have signed your papers!"

The girl opened her eyes and growled, "Did you really have to wake me up?!" She exclaimed, kicking him off the bed, making him land with a loud thud.

"And this is why we don't wake her up..." The green haired male said, sweatdropping, while the other two were staring at the girl's eyes.

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