Part 39

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        "There is nothing more beautiful than two people, surrounded by their friends and family, proclaiming their love

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        "There is nothing more beautiful than two people, surrounded by their friends and family, proclaiming their love. I have watched my daughter grow up and I never once doubted that she loved this man." Father officials, turning to Laurie, "This young man, he helped me get home to my family. I can see the love he has for my daughter every time she walks into a room."
         Laurie and Mary stare at each other. His cheeks start to hurt from smiling, but he doesn't mind. He watched as tears spring to Mary's eyes. He squeezes her hand.
        "Do you, Theodore Laurence, take Marilyn March as your wife, to have and to hold, for better or worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish; from this day forward until death do you part?"
          Laurie takes a deep breath, "I, Dore, take thee Lyn as my wife."
           Mary rolls her eyes. She laughs as Laurie puts her ring on. Laurie looks up at her smile, wishing that they could get their vows over with and he can kiss her.
          "Do you, Marilyn March, take Theodore Laurence as your husband, to have and to hold, for better or worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish; from this day forward until death do you part?" 
           "I, Lyn, take thee, Teddy, as my husband." Mary slides his ring on, gazing at her love.
He can't help but gawk at how beautiful and cheerful she looks. He always thinks she's gorgeous, but now, she was wearing a ring in front of everyone that let them know she was his. He had never been so giddy in his life at the thought of forever.
"You may now kiss the bride," Father announces.
Laurie doesn't hesitate to grab her. He pulls her in his arms but doesn't kiss her. He puts his hand on her cheek as her hands rest on his chest. He connects their lips, gently.
Mary smiles into the kiss. Their kiss gets pulled apart by the realization of the people watching them. They look at their family and friends with grins. They laugh.
Mary gives Laurie a quick kiss and then tugs his hand down the aisle. The laughter and clapping make Mary blush. The couple walks together hand in hand, trying to smile at as many people as they can, but they can't stop looking at each other.
         Mary and Laurie kiss. Everyone cheers again. They had been tapping their utensils on their glasses all night. The couple sits back down and Mary's face turns sad.
Laurie looks over at his bride, "What's the matter?"
"I wish..." She sighs, fiddling with her hands, "I wish Beth and even Aunt March was here."
Laurie reaches his hand over to hers, "I know but you just have to believe that they are here."
Mary nods, slightly smiling, "Do you believe your parents are here?"
Laurie blushes with a laugh, "I don't believe they would miss it."
"Would they have liked me?" Mary wonders.
Laurie pulls her hand to his lips, "They would have loved you."
"Well, I'm glad," affirms Mary. "Dore?"
"Yes, my love?" answers Laurie.
"Oh, I love that nickname." Mary beams, "I think that's my favorite one."
"Then I shall call you it every day for the rest of our lives." He tells her, softly.
"Rest of our lives?" Mary looks back at the guests dancing and smirks, "So after death, we are nothing?"
He rolls her eyes at her with a chuckle, "What was your question?"
"Do you ever talk to your parents?" Mary explains, "Like they are there, listening to you?"
"I do, all the time for my most important decisions too," Laurie responds.
"What kind of decisions?" asks Mary.
Laurie thinks, "Decisions like if you were the one, and if we were meant to be together, and if I should ask you to marry me."
"Did they respond?" Mary questions.
"I didn't need their response to know what the answer was," Laurie confesses.
Marilyn shakes her head, her smile returning to its original status of iridescently happy, "You know I'm married to you already, right? You don't have to keep flirting."
"Marriage is no reason to forget how lovely you look when blushing at my flirtatious remarks." Laurie winks.
"Once a flirt, always a flirt, they say." Mary plays along.
"Only to my wife now, the love of my life." Laurie kisses her hand again.
"This has been adorable to watch, but if you excuse me, I have a bucket to throw up in." John gags.
          Mary giggles at John as Laurie rolls his eyes, "Nice to see you too, John."
"Mary, you look beautiful," John tells her.
"Well, this night wouldn't have happened without you," Mary tells him. "Thank you, John."
"The things we do for family." He remarks with a grin, "Speaking of family, when can we expect little ones?"
Laurie coughs in shock, "Excuse me?"
Mary laughs again, "I told you he would choke."
Laurie glares at the two, "Haha, very funny."
"It was, wasn't it?" John smirks.
"John, you're supposed to be on my side."Laurie quips.
"Now, why would that be?" He questions.
"Because we married into the crazy family, hence we are the sane ones," Laurie explains.
Mary scoffs, "We are not crazy."
"You are," John nods in thought, "But if we chose to marry the crazy family, wouldn't that make us the crazier ones?"
"Okay, John. You can leave now." Mary warns.
John holds up his hands in defense, "You know I love you, Mary."
"I love you too, John." Mary tells him, "Go dance with my sister!"
John gives a thumbs-up as he walks across the dance floor. Mary turns back to Laurie, who had his eyes on her already. She sees a look that she recognizes quite well.
"No." is all she says.
"I didn't even say anything." He looks down with laughter.
"Yes, but I know your mischievous looks," Mary informs him.
"Well, you're the one who brought up kids." Laurie puts his hand on her thigh.
She gives him a look, "Oh, so it's my fault?"
"I would never say that." He kisses her on the cheek.
"We don't have to produce kids right away." Mary shrugs, "I mean, do you even want kids?"
"I want kids with you." Laurie looks taken back, "Do you want kids?"
"I mean, yes." She decides.
"Then why not have them?"
"Well, we have our whole lives." She reminds him.
"Hmm, I guess you're right." He thinks, "Still, wouldn't hurt to practice."
"Dore." She narrows her eyes, "You're lucky I love you."
"I always and forever will be, my love." He kisses her.

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