Chapter 25

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INT. Aunt March's Library. 1868
I walk to the library in the house. The library is the calmest place in the house and obviously, my favorite place. I got another letter from Jo and Meg this time.
Still no Beth, but what can I expect? Last time Jo wrote, she said that Beth was hurting of  again. It's been 2 years since I've seen my family and I can't bear it. I love Amy, but I miss Jo, Meg, and Beth.
I close the library door and take a seat. I look around at the library. There are no golden rims or gargoyles, but it has a amazing fireplace. This is the third best library I have ever seen. First is the Paris library and second is Laurie's. It was cozy.
      I turn back to the table farthest away from the fireplace. I put the letter on the table and sit on the chair. I get Jo's and open it.
Dear Mari,
Here is the monthly update. I haven't written to Amy in awhile, but I assume everything is okay with her. The last I heard she saw Laurie and invited him to a party. That's good. I'm glad we are still friends with him.
Nothing is very new with me. A man from the school I work at gave me a complete set of Shakespeare. I think he might fancy me. I don't really think that it's going to work out though. I shall be a spinster for my whole life.
Speaking of spinster, How is your love life? Remember a few years ago, when it was so hectic. I miss commenting on your life choices.
I hate that you're so far away. Beth has been playing the piano from what Marmee tells me, but it's still not definite if she's ever going to feel better.
Don't be a stranger.
Your favorite, Jo
I smile sincerely. Jo always had a way of making bad news seem not so bad. I look at Meg's letter. Meg doesn't often write to me, but she tries. I know that she's struggling with finances. Jo's a bit of a gossip.
When I sent her money to try and help her out, she sent it back and stopped sending letters for awhile. I'm not gonna stop. She loves John and as much as I teased her for it when we were kids, I'm happy for her.
Dear Marilyn,
I am sorry that I have not sent you a letter for awhile. It's busy over here. Daisy and Demi are always asking when they'll get to meet their other aunts, so please come visit soon. I'm afraid I'll forget what you look like.
John is wondering how Laurie is doing. Jo told me that you guys saw him. Is Laurie doing well at school? I mean, wasn't he going to college?
I hate to ask, but Daisy and Demi need new clothes for school and John's not making much. Can you spare some money? I know that when you sent me money before, I gave it back. But now, i will pay you back when I can.
Love, Meg
Ps I'm so sorry for asking.
I look away from her letter as the library door opens.
"Oh. I didn't think anyone would be in the library this late." James addresses.
I sigh, "I'm just reading letters from home. I find the library the calmest place to do it."
"Well, I don't mean to intrude. I'll just go back to-"
I interrupt him, "No, it's fine. You're not intruding."
He nods, and goes towards the shelves filled with books,"How is your family?"
"Well, uhm Jo is happy because someone gave her the whole collection of Shakespeare books. She's also glad that we are in contact with Laurie again." I tell him.
"I thought you said you guys weren't friends. " James tries to remember.
"Well, we're not. Him and Amy are." I shrug.
"Oh, I thought he was gonna date Jo?" James questions.
I put my hair behind my ear, "Well, not exactly. But I did think he liked her."
James laughs, "If I'm being honest, I was jealous of him for awhile. It seemed like he was so close to all of you."
I laugh nervously, "We were good friends, but that stopped when he left."
"How's the rest of your family?" James asks.
"Well, it seems as if Meg is dirt poor, but overall, happy with John. And Beth-" I let out a breath as my eyes water, "Jo says she's in pain, but shes up and playing the piano."
I let out a tear and James rushes to sit beside me. I quickly wipe my tear as James grabs my other hand.
"I'm sure she'll be okay. I'm positive." James tries to reassure me.
I lean into James and he holds me while I cry about my sister. James put his hand on my head and pets me like im a dog. Maybe i should be offended, but honestly it is very comforting.
I wipe my tears and notice the wet blotches on his white shirt. I laugh and look at him.
"I'm sorry. I didn't know I was going to cry and ruin your shirt." I apologize.
James shakes his head, "No worries. It's just my sleeping shirt."
I nod, "Well, thank you. I really needed to cry."
He smiles, "Well, then I'm glad I was here."
"We should probably get to bed. There's that big New Years party tomorrow." I tell him.
He nods, "You're right."
He awkwardly pats my head and turns away. I raise a eyebrow at his retreating figure. That was weird.
"John!" I laugh as grabs my hand.
"What, Mary?" He asks, nonchalantly.
I hit him with my sketchbook, "You can't just pull me wherever you want."
He smiles, "I know, but I thought YOU wanted to draw me."
When he says that, I excitedly jump up and down. We start walking again, this time I'm pulling him where I want to go. I have been begging for John to let me draw him.
I mean I'm not the artist of the family, but I'm not terrible and I feel as though John is the perfect muse. A regular sketch of him to me wouldn't capture who he is.
It wouldn't capture his cheeky grin or his arrogant stance. It won't capture the way the air around him is so prideful and confident, but soft and nonthreatening. But I think I can.
"Okay, lay there and take off your jacket." I tell him.
"If you wanted me naked, you could've asked." He says, doing what I say.
"John, no! Don't take off anything else!" I shout at him.
He grins and plops onto the ground, "Okay draw me!"
I roll my eyes, "John, pose the way you want, but I don't think that would be a very flattering angle."
"Fine," John shrugs and gets on his side with his hand under his head, "This better?"
"Much." I reply.
I start my drawing. Halfway through, he grabs a flower and puts it in his mouth, seductively. I shake my head with a smile.
About 30 minutes go by and James gets impatient, "Can you hurry up??? I'm bored."
"You're like a child." I smile again.
"No, seriously, are you almost done? I'm losing feeling in my arms and legs." He explains.
I laugh, "Oh, I was done 15 minutes ago. Just wanted to see how long you could hold it for."
John shakes his head at me, "You're devious, you know that?"
I shrug, "I know."
"Okay, now that you're done can we please go to the carnival." He practically begged me.
"Fine," I agree, "What are the three magic words?"
"I love you?" He tilts his head.
"Not those.
He gives a sigh, "I will behave."
"That's what I thought." I nod.
        Right when James, John, Amy and I are welcomed to the party, we get to work. As soon as we entered, we were the center of attention and everyone knew it. We were all trained him how to socialize during a party. 
        James and John go to Fred Vaughn and start chatting with him. It's like every rich boy is in a secret wealthy club. John goes to the food where there are very pretty girls.
        Amy is lively.  She dances with Fred Vaughn most often, gossips with his sister and her friends, and is charming to everyone. I am bubbly while talking to everyone. I dance with every guy that asks me and I make sure to tell them to ask other girls to dance.
        Suddenly, Amy sees something that makes her look sour while dancing with Fred. She elbows me and nods her head toward it. I follow her gaze to see Laurie entering: He is loud, drunk, has two girls with him. She starts walking toward him, excusing herself from Fred, and I quickly think of what to do.
       "If you'll excuse me." I say to John as I look over at Amy.
       I quickly catch up to her as John goes back to James. Laurie and the girls all fall into a sofa, laughing and loud. Amy stands before him, annoyed. I go off to the side, ready if this gets dirty.
        "Laurie." Amy addresses him.
        Laurie looks up, "Amy."
       "I waited an hour for you." She tells him, plainly.
        "I feel caught." Laurie says, not very seriously
        Laurie clumsily makes a space for her while the other ladies depart. Amy does not, and walks away, forcing him to follow.
        "Amy, please!" Laurie begs.
        "Do you want to know what I honestly think of you?" Amy keeps a hushed tone as Laurie follows her around the room, behind the people who are watching others dance.
         "What do you honestly think of me?" Laurie whispers in her ear.
        I look away from them for a second and look back. I stay out of Laurie's eyesight. I see out of the corner of my eye that James and John are paying attention too. I take a deep breath.
       Amy keeps walking, not effected by how he whispered in her ear, " I despise you."
     Laurie, almost laughing, asks, "Why do you despise me?"
       "Because with every chance for being good, useful and happy, you are faulty, lazy and miserable." Amy explains.
        "Oh this is interesting." Laurie comments.
        Amy nods, "Selfish people do like to talk about themselves."
         "Am I selfish?" Laurie questions.
          "Yes, very selfish. With your money, talent, beauty and health --" Amy gets cut off.
          "Beauty?" Laurie smiles.
        "Ah you like that, you old vanity" Amy insults, "with all these good things to enjoy, you can find nothing to do but dawdle."
          He drunkenly snatched her hand and puts it to his chest.  He wears a ring on his pinky finger, which he never takes off.
        "I'll be good for you, Saint Amy, I'll be good!" Laurie mocks her.
       I cross my arms and glare at Laurie. Only I am allowed to tease my sister. I stay back and let Amy handle him for awhile.
       "Aren't you ashamed of a hand like that?" Amy asks, insultingly.
     "No, I'm not." Laurie shrugs.
     Amy snatches her hand away from him,"It looks like it's never done a day of work in its life. And that ring is ridiculous."
     "Marilyn gave me this ring." Laurie looks down at the ring.
    Amy considers him seriously, "I feel sorry for you, I really do. I just wish you'd bear it better."
   "You don't have to feel sorry for
me, Amy. You'll feel the same way one day." Laurie spits back.
       Amy scoffs and shakes her head, "No, I'd be respected if I couldn't be loved."
      Laurie answers her with nothing less of drunken meanness, "And what work have you done lately, oh great "artiste" - or have you been too busy imagining how you'll spend Fred Vaughn's fortune?"
       Amy looks visibly upset and I figure it's my time to step in. I start walking towards them but Laurie is still going.
      "FRED VAUGHN, ladies and gentlemen!" Laurie yells out loud for everyone to hear.
         Amy looks away from him, his comment cut her to the core. Laurie takes his very messy leave with a spin. I follow after Laurie while James and John look at each other. They race after me.
       Amy looks to Fred, "Fred, I'm, I'm so sorry."
Y'all really be begging me for more chapters like y'all are mf Dobby. Like chill, I ain't yo master, you don't have to beg.

𝗡𝗶𝗰𝗸𝗻𝗮𝗺𝗲𝘀 -𝚃𝚑𝚎𝚘𝚍𝚘𝚛𝚎 '𝙻𝚊𝚞𝚛𝚒𝚎' 𝙻𝚊𝚞𝚛𝚎𝚗𝚌𝚎Where stories live. Discover now