Chapter 17

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March House

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March House. 1862.
     "Beth!" I call out.
       "Yes?" She says from behind me.
       I turn around and jump,"Oh dear, you scared me."
        She looks down,"Sorry."
         "Don't worry about it." I shake my head and turn to the stove."I was wondering if you wanted to go thank Mr.Laurence?"
          "Oh. I probably should, shouldn't I?" Beth says, softly. 
         "It would be very polite." I say with a nod,"I'm sure he'll appreciate it."
        "Can you come with me?" She asks.
        I smile softly and nod,"of course I can. I want to visit Teddy."
      She nods and starts getting ready. I finish up dinner and put on my shoes.
   Timidly, Beth walks straight up to the house. I walk behind her. She doesn't look well.
      Before I can check on her, she's already at Mr. Laurence's office and tries to speak.
     "Sir, I wanted to thank you..."she trails off.
       She throws her arms around him. He accepts the hug like he's been waiting for it his whole life. I smile and walk to the library.
     I enter the library and see Teddy. He's on a chair, reading.
       "Oh, I'm astonished." I say as I walk in with my usual smile.
        He looks up from his book and smiles,"Do you like a man who reads?"
        "That's the thing. I didn't know you could read." I joke.
         He rolls his eyes and throws a pillow at me,"Just because I'm pretty doesn't mean I'm daft."
          "Oh no. I would never confuse brain and beauty. You're talking to a girl who can speak multiple languages yet not one makes men listen to her." I say while roaming the room.
         He smirks,"I listen to you."
         "Yes but that is because you're more of a man than they will ever be." I compliment.
           He looks at me with pointed eyebrows and a smile,"I didn't know you could that."
          I tilt my head,"Do what?"
          "Compliment me." He says cheekily.
          "Oh shut up." I laugh and throw a pillow at him.
          He catches it and before he can throw it back, Mr.Laurence comes into the room. Not just walk. He's out of breath like he just ran a mile.
         "Marilyn! It's Beth!" Mr. Laurence pants.
         Teddy and I look at each other before I rush out of the room.
      Beth, in her bed, is delirious with fever. A doctor looks her over, then consults with us and Hannah.
     "She's resting." Doctor tells us as he comes out of the room.
      "How is she? Is there anything I can do?" Mr.Laurence asks, worriedly.
       I can't blame him. I'm worried too.
       "What is it?" Hannah asks.
      "It's scarlet fever." The doctor and I say at the same time.
       I quickly turn away and blush. He won't take kindly to that.
     "What's scarlet fever?" Amy asks.
        The doctor lowers his voice and talks to Mr.Laurence but I can still hear,"I visited the Hummel's, the baby has died."
        I let out a gasp,"No. I told Beth to keep her distance"
         They are all still focused on the doctor. I feel dizzy. I told beth. I told her. This is my fault. I should've stayed with her.
      "Have you all had it before?" The doctors question echos in my head.
       "We all have except Amy!" Jo announces.
      "She'll have to be sent away." The doctor orders.
      "I don't want to be sent away!" Amy shouts.
       "Shhh!" I shush her.
       "I'll see if Aunt March can take her," Meg ignores Amy.
Amy crosses her arms,"I don't like Aunt March."
        "It's for your own good, child." Hannah speaks softly.
        "Aunt March isn't that bad." I assure her.
     "Should we send for Mother?" Jo asks.
      "No, we shouldn't worry her. I've never wished for money more than now." Meg mutters.
     "We'll nurse her and she'll get better. You'll see. She will. She must." Jo reassures Meg.
        Mr.Laurence walks off with the doctor. I look around and see we are all in despair.
        I go over and hug Meg. Jo joins us. Amy latches on to Meg too. Hannah stands there with a tissue watching us.
        I look down and silently pray for Beth to get better.
Jo, sitting vigil, puts cold towels on Beth's hot forehead. I pour tea for Beth as Beth sits up.
"You will get better. Father will get better. And we'll all be together soon." Jo reassures Beth.
"We can't stop God's will." Beth sighs.
I go over and hand Beth her tea with a frown.
"God hasn't met Jo's will." I comment.
"What Jo wills shall be done." Jo talks about herself in 3rd person.
"Well I'm off to Aunt March's to visit Amy." I tell the girls.
Beth smirks,"you mean to visit your best friend."
I laugh,"They're not my best friends. My sisters are and of course, Teddy is too."
Jo makes a face,"Sure he is."
I look at her confused then see the time. Oh I must be off. Aunt March hates when I run late.
I walk in to see Amy is working very diligently on her French and her painting. Aunt March sees me and motions for me to come to her.
"You're late." Aunt March looks me up and down.
"Aren't I always?" I joke with a nervous giggle.
She doesn't laugh and turns her head to the room where Amy is,"Amy? Come here."
"Yes?" Amy says exiting the room. She finally sees me and her smile brightens.
"Come, sit!" Aunt March demands.
Amy sits down next to Aunt March. I sit across from Aunt March.
Aunt March points to the ring on her finger,"If you are very good, one day this ring will belong to one of you."
Amy marvels,"Really?"
"You both just keep being proper young ladies and see if it doesn't. You both are your family's hope now. Beth is sick, Jo is a lost cause, and I hear Meg has had her head turned by a penniless tutor." Aunt March rolls her eyes and continues,"It'll be up to both of you to support them all, and your indigent parents in their old age. So you both must marry well and save your family."
Amy looks serious as I stare anywhere but Aunt March. I already know who she wants me to marry. One of the Vanderbilts. How wonderful?
"That's all I wanted to say to you. You can go finish your...little painting." Aunt March release Amy.
Amy stands up and walks out of the room. I get ready to stand but Aunt March stops me.
"I know you like the Vanderbilts. They are a good family. I like them too. I hope you choose which one you want. They're both going after you from what I hear." Aunt March gossips to me.
I look down. What if I don't want either of them?
Honestly, men are gross.

𝗡𝗶𝗰𝗸𝗻𝗮𝗺𝗲𝘀 -𝚃𝚑𝚎𝚘𝚍𝚘𝚛𝚎 '𝙻𝚊𝚞𝚛𝚒𝚎' 𝙻𝚊𝚞𝚛𝚎𝚗𝚌𝚎Where stories live. Discover now